Despite the massive ecological damage by goats, San Clemente still has the greatest number of endemic plant and animal species of all the California Channel Islands. Six species occurring only on San Clemente Island are named as endangered or threatened by the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973...
Animal preservationists announced Tuesday that the Navy has issued another reprieve to the wild goats of San Clemente Island, indefinitely postponing plans to slaughter the animals and allowing resumption of a rescue program. The killing by gunfire had been set to start at dawn Thursday. The Navy ...
Keegan, D.R., B.E. Coblentz, and C.S. Winchell. 1994. Ecology of feral goats eradicated on San Clemente Island, California. California Islands Symposium 4:323-330.KEEGAN DR, BE COBLENTZ & CS WINCHELL (1994) Ecology of feral goats eradicated on San Clemente island, California. In: ...