A seven-pound salmon, rare in Southern California waters, made news at San Clemente where it was caught off the pier Thursday. —Bob Walton, With The Sportsman, San Bernardino County Sun, June 7, 1958 A yellowfin croaker taken during a fishing class at the pier in August 2017 Warm Water...
Also note that camping on the summit can be very windy. Most of the summit tent sites have stone walls around them to help block the wind. There's also an official "summit campsite" to the southwest of the summit that's flat, sandy, and reasonably protected from the wind. I've marke...
Mountain Station This track begins and ends at the Deer Springs Trailhead just west of Idyllwild on Highway 243. Deer Springs starts in the most varied part of the San Jacinto Forest, which features black oaks, tree-sized manzanitas, canyon live oaks, incense cedars, sugar, Jeffrey, and pon...