San Antonio Regional Hospital, previously known as San Antonio Community Hospital, is an acute, full service medical center in Upland, California.Upland station Railway station Photo: Frederick Dennstedt, CC BY-SA 2.0. Upland station is a railway station at 300 East A Street in Upland, Califor...
Pasadena, CA Pasadena is a cultural crossroads for the San Gabriel Valley: a city where traditions, heritage, culture and night life intersect. And every New Year’s Day, the eyes of the world are on the city because of for two premiere events: the annual Tournament of Roses Parade and ...
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Di Feliciantonio, C.; Salvati, L. ‘Southern’ Alternatives of Urban Diffusion: Investigating Settlement Characteristics and Socio-Economic Patterns in Three Mediterranean Regions. Tijdschr. Voor Econ. En Soc. Geogr. 2015, 106, 453–470. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ashton, E. The impact of ...