請注意: 如果用家遇上與Samsung SmartTV的任何疑難,請先查看是否有可用的版本更新。更新至最新版本或可幫助解決您的問題。 為了提升服務滿意度,誠摯的邀請您在看完本則常見問答後,可以在文章下方給予我們滿意度鼓勵,以便日後提供更優質的服務,謝謝。 提醒您,裝置螢幕以及選單畫面的示意...
Most movies are recorded at a lower decibel range than live TV and the audio is optimized for 5.1 playback. Because of this audio issues can be experienced when playing movies on a 2 channel stereo source, like the speakers that are built into your TV or projector. Set the sound mode to...
TV Version 6.6.0 SDK Support N VideoMimeType Enumerator H263H.263 H264H.254 HevcHEVC Mpeg1MPEG-1 Mpeg2MPEG-2 Mpeg4MPEG-4 Vp8VP8 Vp9VP9 Wmv3WMV3 Enumerator for video mime type publicvoidApps(){// your logicvar videoMimeType=AudioMimeType.Hevc;// your logic} ...
It's also possible to search within apps, but only a few apps support this. Conclusion Samsung, in general, makes very good TVs. Their range has increased in price, but most people will still find a TV that suits their needs. Their smart features could be better, but they're still qui...
But please note that if the video quality is too high, the transcoder may not work properly. You can continue to enable hardware acceleration in Show Advanced settings (accessible when you get a Plex Pass) and then save the changes. Now, open the Plex app on your Samsung TV and play ...
Tried everything but no luck. SOLVED by uninstalling & re-installing the PC on Screen Easy Connection. Fingers crossed this tyme, the app holds. 0 Likes Reply lalit31999 Beginner Level 2 Options 01-14-2023 05:58 PM in TV & Audio Hi , I am not able to c...
No sound when using Airplay 2 with Apple TV on Sony XBR 950G I have tried streaming Apple TV from both my iMac and iPhone using Airplay 2 to my Sony XBR 950G smart TV. I am getting video in both cases, but now sound. I was able to get both video and sound before the latest ...
// Turn on the silent modetizen.tvaudiocontrol.setMute(true); Code example: // Turn off the silent modetizen.tvaudiocontrol.setMute(false); isMute Gets the mute state. booleanisMute(); Since: 2.3 Privilege level: public Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/tv.audio ...
Hi, I have a samsung K series tv - bought in 2017 and a Samsung hw-j355 bought at the same time. Up until recently the sound connect has been working flawlessly but it has now stopped turning on the the sound bar. Once on it connects and it responds to the tv remote w...
To that end, we feel that data protection is our responsibility, not because it may be legally mandated, but rather because it is the right thing to do. The future of the Samsung Smart TV relies on safe and secure measures being set in place for consumers. For this reason, Samsung ...