Ultra Wide Front Camera On-screen Fingerprint Scanner Galaxy Tab S8 The power to take you anywhere Built to take fun on the go. This 11" LCD screen has a ton to offer.2From 5G to a huge battery, and a 12MP Ultra Wide Front Camera. And of course, the S Pen is included. Ta...
(5G optional)2, 5 10,090mAh (typical) Battery3 up to 16GB (RAM) +512GB Memory & Storage 12MP Ultra-Wide Front Camera Fingerprint Scanner On-screen We added a little extra to the Galaxy Tab S8 with a large 12.4" Super AMOLED screen,1a long-lasting battery2and 5G connectivity.5This ...
SAMSUNG 三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 14.6英寸平板电脑 16GB+512GB 5G版 耳机套装¥8099 直达链接 > 京东plus全品券,最高1200-50【点这里领取】 骁龙8Gen1处理器,14.6硬粗内超大屏幕,标配SPen。 京东自营该商品目前售价为11999元,下单立减2400元,叠加满7899元减700元优惠券,券后到手价为8099元包邮,站内近期入...
12 MP Ultra Wide Front Camera On-screen Fingerprint Scanner COMPARE ALL MODELS Galaxy Tab S8 The power to take you anywhere Built to take fun on the go. This 11" LCD screen has a ton to offer.2 From 5G to a huge battery, and a 12MP Ultra Wide Front Camera. And of course, ...
SAMSUNG 三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 14.6英寸平板电脑 16GB+512GB 5G版 含Spen券后8369元 直达链接 > 京东现售8369元,近期低价,商品详情页可领700优惠券,以旧换新满3000补贴750元 前往购买» 内容举报 如果需要使用手机或者平板等移动设备打开本文,您可以扫描右侧二维码: ...
SAMSUNG 三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 14.6英寸平板电脑 16GB+512GB 5G版 含Spen. 某东plus全品券,最高1200-50 【点这里领取】 预售价8799,叠加超级补贴6000-600,实付8199。 GalaxyTabS8Ultra采用超坚固的装甲铝边框
Galaxy Tab S8 5G / Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab S8+ 5G / Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 5G / Wi-Fi Dimensions (HxWxD) 165.3 x 253.8 x 6.3 mm 185 x 285 x 5.7 mm 208.6 x 326.4 x 5.5 mm Battery Non-removable, 8,000 mAh (Typical) Non-removable, ...
载高通新一代骁龙8移动平台,整机尺寸208.6*326.4*5.5mm,重量728g,支持屏下指纹识别。配置为16GB+512GB,深屿灰、冷霜银、浮光粉三种配色。支持最大1TB Micro SD 卡。 屏幕方面,Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 搭载 14.6 英寸 Super AMOLED屏,分辨率为 2960x1848,屏幕亮度为240PPI,支持20Hz刷新率。
三星Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(16GB/512GB/5G版/键盘套装) 指导价:¥9699 市场价:暂无 查看详细参数>> 平板电脑新品推荐 华为MatePad 11.5"S¥2599 荣耀MagicPad2(16GB/512BG)¥3699 华为擎云C5e(4GB/64GB/WIFI版)¥1999 华为MatePad 11.5"S(12GB/512GB/柔光版)¥3299 华为擎云C5e(4GB/64GB/LTE版)¥2299 华...
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