Buy the Samsung PCIe 4.0 NVMe 980 PRO SSD card for 2x data transfer rate of PCIe® 3.0 for next-level computing. Buy online at Samsung Business IE.
Unleash the power of the Samsung PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ SSD 980 PRO for your next-level computing. Leveraging the PCIe® 4.0 interface, the 980 PRO delivers double the data transfer rate of PCIe® 3.0 while being backward compatible for PCIe® 3.0 for added versatility. ...
Discover the latest features and innovations available in the 980 PRO PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ SSD 2TB. Find the perfect Memory & Storage for you!
三星(SAMSUNG)980PRO 1T 2T 500G M.2 NVME固态硬盘SSD PCIE4.0台式机电脑笔记本高速存储 全新 980PRO 1TB发 990PRO1T图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
商品名称:三星(SAMSUNG)980PRO 1T 2T 500G M.2 NVME固态硬盘SSD PCIE4.0台式机电脑笔记本高速存储 全新 980PRO PCIE 4.0 500G 商品编号:10039022980751 店铺:卡姆利电脑DIY官方旗舰店 NVMe协议:PCIe 4.0 容量:480-512GB 接口:M.2接口(NVMe协议) 更多参数>> ...
Discover the latest features and innovations available in the 980 PRO PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ SSD 1TB. Find the perfect Memory & Storage for you!
商品名称:三星(SAMSUNG) 980PRO SSD固态硬盘m.2 NVME2280笔记本台式机m2固态1t 990PRO 2T 散热马甲版 商品编号:10077866687409 店铺:绿速嘉业存储旗舰店 NVMe协议:PCIe 4.0 NVMe读速:7000MB/s及以上 容量:2TB 接口:PCI-E 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... ...
Explore Samsung Memory & Storage (MZ-V8P500BW) - The 500GB SSD 980 PRO PCle 4.0 NVMe M.2 offers Intelligent TurboWrite. Contact Samsung Australia today.
Discover the latest features and innovations available in the 980 PRO w/ Heatsink PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ SSD 1TB. Find the perfect Memory & Storage for you!
三星980 PRO采用三星V-NAND 3-bit MLC闪存,搭载了三星专为PCle4.0 SSD定制的Elpis控制器,对速度进行了优化,其读取速度高达7000MB/s,比PCle 3.0 SSD快2倍,写入读速也达到了5000MB/s。为确保稳定的性能,980 PRO采用镀镍涂层以提高控制器的散热效率,同时使用散热标签实现对NAND芯片的有效散热控制。保修方面,980 PR...