如果用家遇上與Samsung SmartTV的任何疑難,請先查看是否有可用的版本更新。更新至最新版本或可幫助解決您的問題。 為了提升服務滿意度,誠摯的邀請您在看完本則常見問答後,可以在文章下方給予我們滿意度鼓勵,以便日後提供更優質的服務,謝謝。 提醒您,裝置螢幕以及選單畫面的示意圖或指示步驟,可...
建议您按照以下步骤尝试:1.通过三星官网下载电视型号匹配的固件,打开释放到清空的U盘中,然后连接电视,按电视遥控器的【项目】键,依次选择【支持】-【软件更新】。2.重设Smart Hub:按电视遥控器的【项目】键(智能触摸遥控器请按【更多】键,选择【项目】),依次选择【Smart功能】-【重设Smart Hub...
Install apps and add it to the Home Screen Follow the steps below to install apps and add it to theHome Screen. Step 1.Press theHomebutton on your Smart Remote, then navigate toApps. Step 2.Select an app to install, press theSelectbutton, then move to the detailed info...
BT TV is now EE TV. You'll still get all the same entertainment and sport you know and love.Find out what EE TV has to offer. Go to the Samsung App Store on your TV and search for EE TV. Press the app icon, then pressDownload. ...
对于在Samsung Smart TV上找不到YouTube应用的问题可能是因为每年三星智能电视平台的更新导致YouTube不再支持特定平台。用户可以联系YouTube获取最新支持信息,或检查应用是否被隐藏在快捷访问栏中。若问题依旧存在,尝试按下遥控器的主页按钮,进入应用并找到下载的应用,长按回车键将其添加到主页。若遇到YouTube视频无法...
Activate the Samsung Smart TV and establish an internet connection. Engage the Smart Hub function by pressing the corresponding button on the remote. You will be redirected to the Samsung Home interface. Choose “Apps.” Navigate to the search icon. ...
Тэги >Smart TV App
Design Your App For Samsung Smart TV Since TV isn’t a device that you hold or touch directly, it provides a user experience Read More Distribute Your Apps Discover how the Samsung Developer Program can help you bring your amazing apps to Samsung device users around the world. ...
To download the Samsung Smart TV SDK, visitSDK Downloadpage. There are three types of project templates available in Samsung Smart TV SDK: Basic project A JavaScript based project that includes the Samsung Smart TV CAPH(Web UI Framework). CAPH(Web UI Framework) provides a high level wrapper ...
, new here, I've been seeking answers to the dreaded samsung server not found page that occurs on my samsung smart tv. The model is ue65nu75000uxxu, its only 3 years old perfect condition, just this issue thats occurs along with the myserious space issue that i just reset it to ove...