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Samsung smart TV's give you access to loads of fantastic apps, making it easier than ever to access the entertainment you love. Through the apps menu you can download, uninstall, lock and unlock apps, giving you greater control over who can access your media. You may find that some apps...
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Der Smart TV hat nur Apps wie Amazon Prime, Netflix, Youtube, Spotify usw. verfügbar? Leider gibt es keine weiteren Apps wie Kicker, Wetter.com, Sport1, Twitter, usw.? Oder es gibt keine Apps wo Geld kosten, nur kostenlose Apps die Vorinstalliert sind. Woran liegt es das bei dem...
YouTube is one of the most popular Samsung Smart TV apps that you must have, it has an amazing user-interface that is simple and easy to navigate through. Users can add their Google Account for data synchronization on YouTube. This is the biggest platform to get amateur videos to stream ...
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