Availability of ECG app may vary by country or region. Due to country restrictions in obtaining approval/registration as a Software as a medical device (SaMD), ECG app only works on watches and smartphones purchased in the countries where service is currently available (however, service may be...
___SamBoy___ Pathfinder 05-12-2024 02:24 PM Optionen Store apps aktualisieren erst mal😊 1 Like Pampel Voyager 05-12-2024 02:25 PM Optionen Danke dir für den Hinweis mit dem Megaphone, das scheint bei vielen so dann direkt z...
@sammobile。 Sam Mobile 在手中旋轉手錶檢查手錶,顯示了錶面的特寫鏡頭。 Sam Mobile說:“藍寶石水晶的使用提高了耐刮擦水平。” 電池。 @techspurt。免責聲明:Watch5 Pro 的額定容量為 573 毫安時,Galaxy Watch5 Large 的額定容量為 398 毫安時,Galaxy Watch5 Small 的額定容量為 276 毫安時。實際...
bmdSam Asteroid Options 01-25-2025 06:33 PM in Galaxy Watch Another weird recording. Walked for an hour, but the step counting is low , and the graph is plotted for 30 minutes only. 0 Likes Reply amuscarj11 Asteroid Options 01-25-2025 07:33 PM in...
Bonjour @Catastsam et bienvenue sur la Communauté 🤗, Je suis navré que votre Galaxy Watch7 continue à se décharger rapidement malgré les réparations 😔. Pouvez-vous m’envoyer un message privé avec votre nom, prénom, e-mail, le numéro de série de la montre, le revendeur, ...
South Africa 60 Gold CID001534 Royal Canadian Mint Canada 61 Gold 62 Gold CID001555 Samduck Precious Metals CID001585 SEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A. Korea Spain 63 Gold CID001622 Shandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd. China 64 Gold CID001736 Sichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd...
(SAMCOL) Samsung Electronics Argentina S.A. (SEASA) Samsung Electronics Chile Limitada (SECH) Samsung Electronics Peru S.A.C. (SEPR) Samsung Electronics Venezuela, C.A. (SEVEN) Samsung Electronics Panama. S.A. (SEPA) Harman International Industries, Inc. Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc...
Do automatického podavače dokumentů můžete pro jednu úlohu vložit až 30 dokumentů (kancelářský papír 75 g/m2). Na skenovací sklo lze samozřejmě položit pouze jeden list papíru. Při používání automatického podavače ADF mějte na paměti ná...
Using a proven modular design approach, Samsung engineers have successfully developed the S3C821A/P821A by integrating the following peripheral modules with the powerful SAM8 core: — Six programmable I/O ports, including five 8-bit ports and one 7-bit port, for a total of 47 pins. ...
(SAMCOL) Samsung Electronics Argentina S.A. (SEASA) Samsung Electronics Chile Limitada (SECH) Samsung Electronics Peru S.A.C. (SEPR) Samsung Electronics Venezuela, C.A. (SEVEN) Samsung Electronics Panama. S.A. (SEPA) Harman International Industries, Inc. Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc...