Galaxy S24 Ultra 是 Galaxy Ultra 的極致版本,採用全新鈦合金邊框外觀和 6.8 寸平面顯示器。,這絕對是一個設計奇蹟。 鈦合金邊框 手機升級設計,邊框採用耐用的鈦合金作為保護。鈦合金的強度優勢,現在觸手可及。 Corning® Gorilla® Armor 防刮耐磨更強韌 ...
Galaxy S24 Ultra 是 Galaxy Ultra 的終極設計,採用全新鈦金屬外觀和 6.8吋平面顯示螢幕。, 絕對是令人驚嘆的設計。 採用鈦金屬邊框 看看升級特點 — 鈦金屬邊框提供超強防護。 堅韌的鈦金屬如今就在你的指尖。 採用更抗刮的 Corning® Gorilla® Armor Corning® Gorilla® Armor 幫助保護螢幕不刮傷...
Galaxy AI ist da. Mit dem neuen Galaxy S24 Ultra kannst du dein Leben kreativ, produktiv und unkompliziert gestalten. Mach dich bereit für eine Welt, in der dir alles offensteht. Alles in einem Gerät. Alles in deiner Hand. Eine Blog-Seite ist in einer Webbrowser-App geöffn...
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Android smartphone. Announced Jan 2024. Features 6.8″ display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, 5000 mAh battery, 1024 GB storage, 12 GB RAM, Corning Gorilla Armor.
Downgrade S24U în Seria Galaxy S24 cu 2 săptămâni în urmă Actualizare de sistem Google Play în Seria Galaxy S24 cu 2 săptămâni în urmă Salutare tuturor în Seria Galaxy S24 cu 3 săptămâni în urmă S-a produs o eroare neaşteptată.Contin...
Samsung S24U可拍Log视频 更新One UI 7后与S25U看齐 之前Samsung就推出了全新的Galaxy S25系列,除了一系列Galaxy AI功能外,另一个对于喜欢拍片用户颇为吸引的功能,就是全系列均可拍摄Log视频。近日有外媒表示即使旧机Galaxy S24 Ultra,在更新至One UI 7后,也同样具备这项可令视频后期有更大弹性的功能,...
I have now had my S24U for 2 days and the one and only time this phone is better screen wise than the S23U is when playing a YouTube video that is UHD with HDR and full brightness. The rest of the time, the S23U screen beats it hands down. S23U (in my experience) is...
SAMSUNG 三星 s24ultra Al智享生活办公 四长焦系统 SPen s24u 钛黑 12+256GB8999元什么值得买甄选出天猫精选优惠促销商品,包括SAMSUNG/三星报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Good, but not worth to upgrade from the S23 Ultra or even the S22 ultra Reply P PTMN Msh 17 Jan 2024 Should you replace s23U 512gb to s24U 1TB if replace will cost you 440 USD? (or 310 usd for 512gb variant) I have that option with all bonuses etc. but I am not sure ...