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遇见新品Galaxy S23 Ultra,该机型设计从多方面考虑到环保问题,并配备了内置的S Pen、超视觉夜拍系统、性能强大的芯片。
Buy the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone. Buy and Try Galaxy AI for 30 days on the Galaxy S23 Ultra from participating carriers at Samsung US.
Interested to find out more? Discover how each model in the new Galaxy S24 series compares to its predecessor in the Galaxy S23 series below. What’s the difference between the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra & S24 Ultra? The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra follows in the footsteps of the remarkableGa...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HMKK-_toU 转自YouTuber:FlashingDroid 新一集 FlashingDroid 影片為大家集齊近三代 Samsung Galaxy S 系列旗艦機,S24 Ultra、S23 Ultra 及 S22 Ultra 實現三代旗艦硬件效能大比拼!今次影片除了針對 S24 Ultra 做了完整的效能測試,同時直接比較了三代旗艦機的實際應用速度...
“You don’t need to worry Galaxy S23 Ultra” appears. We zoom in close on the female’s ear with the Galaxy Buds2 Pro as “Low Battery!”. “Just turn on Wireless PowerShare” is superimposed over the following two scenes: the first with a view of the icon from the drop-down ...
“You don’t need to worry Galaxy S23 Ultra” appears. We zoom in close on the female’s ear with the Galaxy Buds2 Pro as “Low Battery!”. “Just turn on Wireless PowerShare” is superimposed over the following two scenes: the first with a view of the icon from the drop-down ...
三星(SAMSUNG) Galaxy S24Ultra S23 Ultra 稳劲性能大屏 拍照手机 S23 Ultra 悠柔白 12GB+256GB 官方标配图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
三星(SAMSUNG) Galaxy S24 Ultra S23 Ultra 智享生活办公 超亮护眼大屏SPen S23 Ultra 悠野绿 8GB+256GB 美版图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】