Samsung Galaxy S24 vs S24+ vs S24 Ultra: Which Galaxy S24 model is best for you? There’s no doubt that with the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, every aspect of your smartphone experience is now even more epic. From the Galaxy S24 series’ game-changing Galaxy AI, ultra-high-resolution ..., 视频播放量 8431、弹幕量 2、点赞数 65、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 7、转发人数 9, 视频作者 油管科技TV, 作者简介 第一时间搬运世界各地各种科技类开箱和测评视频!合作邮箱,相关视频:三星S25 Ultra,三
Toată lumea vrea sa vadă cât de bun este S24U fata de S23U. Asa a fost și anul trecut când a apărut S23U vs S22U și tot asa.Cred ca ție nu prea îți place ideea ca a apărut un alt Samsung mai bun decât al tău știind deja fa ai dat ...
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra作为三星Galaxy S系列的顶级旗舰机型,自发布以来便凭借其卓越的性能、出色的影像系统和强大的生产力工具,成为智能手机市场中的佼佼者。即便在新一代机型发布后,S23 Ultra依然凭借其强大的综合实力和更具竞争力的价格,目前依旧是极具吸引力的选择。Galaxy S23 Ultra延续了前代S22 Ultra的...
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I believe the s24 series has a better hdr and dynamic range and also tends to produce more natural colours than previous models.Hence, you may notice the difference in processing.Also, if viewing the photos on the s24 series screen gives it a washed-out look if brightness is too high.Th...
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lados opostos, um com a vista traseira e outro com a vista frontal. O Galaxy S25 Ultra com a vista frontal mostra uma notificação do Now Brief com as palavras “Veja os destaques de hoje”. O Galaxy S25 Ultra com a vista traseira está com a S Pen apoiada em cima. Galaxy AI....