转自YouTuber:FlashingDroid 新一集 FlashingDroid 影片有機會搶先上手 Samsung Galaxy S21 全系列新手機!雖然未能夠進行完整跑分、效能、相機、電池測試等,但依然不妨搶先體驗新手機等外觀設計、上手質感、新功能等等!更多有關 Galaxy S21 Ultra 和全系列新機等資訊,...
Much like on the S21 Ultra, this is an aluminium cover that protects individual recessed glass elements for the three main camera modules. Samsung harmonised the camera design between the S21 and S21+ by dropping the ToF sensor from the latter in comparison to the S20+ - which is fine by ...
机皇云评测:Galaxy S21 Ultra 对比 Mate 40 Pro+,三星全方位压制 FRONIT频道 4029 播放 · 1 弹幕 05:58 Galaxy S21 Ultra曝光:超强的的屏幕!三星也拍月亮了? 夏末TnT 4.4万 播放 · 8 弹幕 05:37 三星S21价格及其展示机上手视频 春诗雨 710 播放 · 0 弹幕 02:21 三星Galaxy S21 Ultra 渲染...
苏宁易购为您提供三星(SAMSUNG)S20 Ultra手机和三星Galaxy S21 Ultra 16GB+512GB 幽夜黑 5G手机 1.08亿100倍双长焦专业摄像 6.8英寸120Hz超顺滑护目屏 骁龙888 5nm旗舰芯片参数对比,让您了解三星(SAMSUNG)S20 Ultra手机和三星Galaxy S21 Ultra 16GB+512GB 幽夜黑 5G手机 1.
SAMSUNG S21 Ultra - 我心中的完美手机?! 三星 開箱 测评说说网红那些事儿 2021.02.21 00:29 分享到 热门视频 00:39 视频和音频怎么合并在一起? 00:42 装修公司如何解决获客难题?好口碑平台推荐 00:40 它的Ai性能实在太强大了!不会真让我失业吧! 02:52 售9.69-11.69万元 吉利ICON玲珑上市 00:51 ...
regarding Samsungs S21 series, I reallt think they should have engineered a way to have the same camera setup as the ultra all all three phones. because, people want the high-end camera offering, but not always the large size phone, because, for many, the ultra is too big, and so ...
使用基准测试分数的 Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos 2100) 手机评估。看看它与其他热门机型的对比。
在最重要的相机方面,S21和S21+将采用12MP超广角+12MP广角+64MP远摄组合。而S21 Ultra则是12MP超广角+108MP广角+10MP 3X长焦+10MP 10X长焦组合,预计可以重新带来100X Space Zoom效果。 最后Galaxy S21系列的配色重回幻影系色系。S21将提供幻影紫、幻影粉、万幻影灰和幻影白,S21+则有幻影银、幻影黑及幻影紫,至于...
Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G. Discover the camera technology and innovations that make it epic in every way, right out of the box.
這次就直接拿最頂的四鏡頭怪獸 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G 來為大家開箱測試,5000 mAh 的它支援 120Hz 螢幕更新率跟 S Pen,也是全球首批支援 Wi-Fi 6E 的機種,那究竟它是否能坐穩「真旗艦」的寶座,就讓我們來實測給你們看吧!