Galaxy S21 | S21+ | S21 Ultra 5G Compare the models1 Click to Expand NEWGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G Colours2 Phantom BlackPhantom Silver Screen size3 6.8" Weight 227g CPU Speed 2.9GHz max. CPU speed Octa-core Max. display refresh rate
Empower your enterprise’s ever-evolving workforce to work from anywhere. Together with HyperFast 5G connectivity, industry-leading technology and defense-grade security of Samsung Knox, Galaxy S21 Series 5G transcends the traditional workspace and propels your business toward success. Welcome to next-...
All three Galaxy S21 models share the same Exynos 2100 chipset. Select markets also get the device with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, they include the likes of the US and South Korea. There's only 8GB of RAM on the entry-level flagship. Customers get 128GB internal storage with the device ...
Samsung Galaxy S21+是三星电子于2021年1月14日发布的手机产品。于2021年1月18日在中国正式上市。Samsung Galaxy S21+采用直板设计,为超窄边框和居中开孔设计;屏幕材质使用康宁大猩猩Victus玻璃。摄像模组采用包边式拼贴设计;机身长度为161.5毫米,宽度为75.6毫米,厚度为7.8毫米,重量为202克;机身配色为梵梦紫...
Galaxy S21系列的大膽風格專為自我表達而生,其中,Galaxy S21鎖定渴望輕量設計、精巧6.2吋顯示螢幕的使用族群(註一);Galaxy S21+則搭載6.7吋顯示螢幕、更大的電池容量,鎖定熱愛馬拉松式遊戲的玩家及追劇一族(註二)。 Galaxy S21系列採用新型、指標性的輪廓切割相機結構,與手機的金屬邊框完美結合,既時尚又搶眼。Galaxy...
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G連同5G 50GB服務計劃上台優惠價為$3,594。選購Galaxy S21 FE 5G可獲贈高達$1,363禮遇,經網上選購可享更多優惠,受條款及細則約束。條款及細則 *按Ookla® 就Speedtest Intelligence® 數據於2021年4月1日「中國移動香港5G商用一週年發布會」上公佈的5G網絡測試分析(「分析」),於...
The new Samsung Galaxy S21 5G lineup is now available for pre-order at AT&T. Learn how both new and existing customers can get the Galaxy S21 5G for FREE, for a limited time!
實際產品上市時間及詳細規格依各市場上市公告版本為準* 2021 年 1 月 14 日,外電訊-三星推出全新旗艦機 Galaxy S21 與 Galaxy S21+,賦予用戶盡情表現自 我的利器,為現今的生活模式而生.Galaxy S21 系列集最先進的創新技術於一身,極致精彩每一刻, 以指標性的吸睛設計,人人都能上手的史詩級專業...
3. Measured diagonally, Galaxy S21 5G’s screen size is 6.2" in the full rectangle and 6.1" with accounting for the rounded corners; Galaxy S21+ 5G's screen size is 6.7" in the full rectangle and 6.5" with accounting for the rounded corners; Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G’s screen size is 6.8...