The best price of Samsung Galaxy S20 in Sri Lanka was Rs. 270,000. The price has been sourced from 0 stores in Sri Lanka as on 28th November 2022.
The best price of Samsung Galaxy A10 in Sri Lanka was Rs. 24,900. The price has been sourced from 0 stores in Sri Lanka as on 4th February 2021.
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When the user selects “Buy” in the application, provide a common purchase GUI through Samsung Checkout. The user can enter a voucher or coupon code to modify the purchase price. The user confirms the purchase by entering a PIN on the common purchase GUI, or biometric information on Samsun...
18 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's state run airline carrier, Sri Lankan Airlines and and budget airline Mihin Lanka, on Tuesday said that it had banned the use and carriage of 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7' phones on its aircraft. The airlines said in a statement that it had banned passengers and ...
After a successful launch in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka markets, the design has received very positive reviews from both retailers and customers. Through the unique Samsung Mobile Packaging that is united under a single design language, the newly refreshed design strategy has successfully set ...
4.1 In order to make the Services available to you and process the transactions contemplated by these Terms, Samsung may collect information and personal data from you. Any personal data collected or processed under this Agreement is in accordance with Samsung's privacy policy, which explains how ...