請點擊視窗右下方客服圖像立即啟動 24 小時線上文字客服~ 1 調整冰箱前端的支架,使冰箱輕微後傾。使用平頭螺絲起子,將其插入控制桿的凹槽中,進行旋轉以調整至水平狀態。 如圖所示,保持水平腳離地面 66 mm (A)。 2 減少門內儲物格中的物品重量,避免門承受過多重量。 3 若冰箱門的密封條變形導致密封不良,您可...
Mega Capacity 4-Door French Door Refrigerator with Dual Auto Ice Maker RF31CG7200SRAA 31 cu. ft - Full Depth (2) Cubed, Ice Bites Internal - Yes - Stainless Steel Mega Capacity 4-Door French Door Refrigerator with Four Ty...
Use this guide to replace the main control board on your Samsung older model French Door refrigerator.The main control board of your Samsung refrigerator is located on the rear of the unit behind a metal cover. The main control board is the "brains" of your refrigerator and controls its oper...
This guide shows how to tighten or replace the door handles for your Samsung RF28T5001SR refrigerator. The refrigerator door handles tend to loosen and rattle over time, and this will fix it. This procedure works for both the refrigerator and freezer door handles. 你所需要的 工具 2.5 mm He...
The new Bespoke French Door Refrigerator combines a customizable design with space and food-saving features, and ensures that there is a Bespoke fridge to suit every family’s needs
A refrigerator freezer’s interior temperature can rise to dangerous levels, causing condensation to form and then freeze on the bottom of the refrigerator. Reduce the temperature by a few degrees to resolve the issue. When you open and close the freezer door, a small amount of frost will for...
The BESPOKE 4-Door Flex also comes with a brand-new Beverage Center™, hidden away behind the upper left door to maintain the refrigerator’s flat, sleek design. The Beverage Center includes an Autofill Water Pitcher that is always full of fresh water, and a water dispenser with a washable...
The Samsung RF31FMESBSR Ice Master produces up to 10 lbs. of ice per day and stores up to 4.2 lbs. of ice. This space saving design leaves more room in the refrigerator. The French Door refrigerator comes with counter height FlexZone Drawer to create 4 flexible size compartments with ...
The free app works with the Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator, a $4,000 appliance with a touchscreen on the door that you can use to view the family's schedule, and an ingredient-tracking camera that lets you double-check whether you're out of milk. With the app, you take a photo of...
High-quality Samsung refrigerator water filters at unbeatable prices. Get cleaner, clearer water & ice. Compatibility Guarantee. Fast Shipping!