- This refrigerator should not be grounded with telephone line,gas pipe,etc. 30cm 2 CAUTIONS WHILE USING COMING EV ENTS When out of operated for a long time . - Remove all food and disconnect the power supply cord.Dry your refrigerator, opening the door for 2-3days. When you get ready...
In addition, this incident causes water to drip down the compartment’s bottom. When there is enough water in this area, it spills out onto the floor. There may be further causes for the leak at the bottom of your refrigerator. It’s possible that the water lines have damage as well. ...
Be careful not to splash water on the back of the refrigerator . Cuide de no salpicar agua en la parte posterior del equipo. -The insulation of the electric parts will be impaired by water. -El aislante de las partes electricas puede danarse. Avoid leaving the door open any longer than...