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Q-Series Soundbar HW-Q800B (HW-Q800B/ZK) - See the benefits and full features of this product. Learn more and find the best Audio Devices for you at Samsung Hong Kong.
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Il telecomando della soundbar comanda solo questa e, quando è accesa, il volume del televisore, mentre quand'è spenta non comanda nulla. Il telecomando della TV non comanda il decoder, neanche per accensione/spegnimento. Il telecomando del decoder agisce sull'accensione del tv se acc...
Buongiorno, riscontro il problema che quando accendo il decoder di Sky Q e quindi, poichè ho attivo Anynet+, si accende anche la TV e la soundbar
Can I pair Samsung Q800b soundbar with a Q700c subwoofer? I have a Samsung Q700c with its subwoofer (PS-WC75B). But I recently saw a deal for a used Q800B soundbar (soundbar only, no subwoofer). I'd really like to upgrade from the 3.1. surround to the 800's ...
The Samsung HW-Q800D is a standout mid-range pick from the manufacturer released in 2024. This 5.1.2 Dolby Atmos soundbar is extremely similar in performance to its predecessor, the Samsung HW-Q800C, but has an updated Bluetooth version. Like the Q800C, it's versatile enough to listen...
A:Answer Hello, The HW-Q800B Soundbar does indeed have SpaceFit Sound. There are two methods to turn this feature on. Method 1. Connecting via Soundbar To enable this function, turn on the Spacefit sound mode with the remote control of the Soundbar. SOUND CONTROL > “Spacefit sound...
New Soundbars:In addition to the flagship soundbar,HW-Q990C, with 11.1.4 channel sound supporting Dolby Atmos, the ultra-slimHW-S800Boffers powerful immersive sound in Dolby Atmos from a 3.1.2 channel device that is just 40mm tall and 38mm deep. It is easily placed with any TV and st...
Samsung三星HMD三星玄龙MRXE800ZAA-HC1用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 XE800ZBA User Manual About the Head Mounted Display With this Head Mounted Display (HMD), you can enjoy the Mixed Reality (MR) by connecting it to your computer. The mixed reality reflects your movement in...