Supremely tough, fast, and compact. The new T7 Shield gives you superior performance on the go, even in challenging environmental conditions1. Super-speed inside with durable protection outside keeps work flowing, ready to hand off to a client or for hands-on editing at home. ...
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“The T7 Shield's improved durability and fast transfer speeds make it perfect for adventurous professionals.” iF Design Award winner 2024 Rugged durability Tough, fast, and compact. The all new rugged PSSD T7 Shield is built to endure with the space to create tha...
Portable SSD T7 Shield 2TB Beige2 TB Where to buy Rugged durability Tough, fast, and compact. The new T7 Shield is designed to withstand challenging environmental conditions while delivering impressive performance on the go*. Super-speed inside with durable protection outside...
Samsung T7 Shield PSSD尺寸 (二维码自动识别) Samsung T7 Shield PSSD掉电保护功能 T7采用ASM2462桥接芯片+SSD主控+NAND架构。电源采用DC\DC方案,集成电容矩阵,掉电保护功能。元器件单面布局。当PSSD正在进行读写业务时,产生一个异常掉电(比如插拔数据线),主控检测到前端...
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三星(SAMSUNG)T7 NVMe高速移动固态硬盘Type-c接口USB3.2固态PSSD硬盘高速硬盘指纹硬盘移动ssd 新品 T7 Shield 月慕白 1TB图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
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