Galaxy Portal GT-I5700 Solutions & Tips Manuals & Downloads Useful Links Additional Information ContactUs Solutions & Tips All FAQ How to Guide How to Video Filter Most relevant Application Audio Backup & Restore Battery Bluetooth Call & Contacts Camera Hardware How to...
As an ardent open-source enthusiast, my current focus lies in enhancing .NET and Tizen development experiences while strengthening ecosystems. With a perchant for innovation, I'm actively engaged in various .NET open-source projects. Join me in shaping a brighter tech future!
Step 1 :Accessing Samsung Checkout - Login Create a Samsung account. Register your app in Seller Office and login to the DPI. ① Create aSamsung Account ② Register your app inSeller Office ③ Login to the CheckoutDPI portal Figure 2. Membership Management menu ...
关于Samsung Galaxy Store Seller Portal, 开发者注册, 应用上传和销售, 指南, 安卓应用, Galaxy Watch 应用的上传, 手表应用的上传
The official communications channel of Samsung Electronics, providing all the latest stories regarding the company's products, people and businesses.
Samsung Health Data SDK now provides capability of writing into Samsung Health select data types New Revenue Share Model Samsung is putting more money back into the hands of developers with an 80/20 revenue share model Test on the Newest Galaxy ...
Shop Samsung’s best gaming gear in one place – Samsung Game Portal Samsung has a wide range of gaming setup from gaming monitors, smartphones, tablets, gaming TVs and even gaming audio including gaming headsets and soundbars, that provide a superior gaming experience and accommodate a variety...
In the portal you'll find all the help you need to support your sales, unlock new opportunities, and ensure success; including key product specs and marketing assets, training, incentives, and design support, like banners, campaigns, and imagery. ...
如果您使用了三星或三星指定的任何第三方(包括"Seller Portal"(以下称"商店")所提供的 Samsung Galaxy Store 及其他任何应用程序、软件、服务、网站、WAP 和其他相关服务(以下统称为"服务",但不包括三星依据单独的书面协议向您提供的任何服务),请遵守以下条款以及不时适用的任何其他条款,包...
关于Samsung Galaxy Store Seller Portal, 开发者注册, 应用上传和销售, 指南, 安卓应用, Galaxy Watch 应用的上传, 手表应用的上传