Driving monitor The new Driving monitor in Digital Wellbeing keeps track of the time you spend on your phone while driving. You’ll get reports on how much you used your phone and which apps you used. Tips Solve Bluetooth problems easily ...
Is your mobile device's screen too bright or dim? Here's how to adjust the screen brightness: Note :-Images Simulated. 1Tap onSettings 2Scroll down and tap onDisplay. Please note: For older models, select Display in My Device 3Find and tap onBrightness(e.g., Brightness level).To m...
WithPrivacy Dashboard, you can monitor which apps can access your camera, mic, location and contacts. If any apps use permissions in a way you’re not comfortable with, you can immediately deny that permission. In addition, Private Share — a secure file-sharing technology built on the block...
It is not intended for users with other known arrhythmias. 15 The features are supported via the Samsung Health Monitor app. Availability may vary by market or device. Due to market restrictions in obtaining approval/registration as a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), it only w...
Dim the lights for movies Automate the TV and lighting to create the perfect mood for a movie night.2,3,4 Monitor real-time energy usage Track and manage the energy consumption of your devices all in one place.1 See who's there
With Samsung’s groundbreaking BioActive sensor, Galaxy wearable devices monitor multiple aspects of your body to give you a holistic understanding of your health, whether you’re working or working out. Users can also track their sleep quality and receive customized sleep coaching. And with ...
jogħġbok żomm il-prodott 'il bogħod minn tfal, trabi jew pets biex ma tħallihomx iqiegħdu l-prodott jew partijiet minnu f'ħalqhom. Jekk tifel/tifla jkunu qed jużaw il-prodott, għidilhom kif għandhom jużawh b'mod korrett, u mmonitorja l-użu kor...
S Health is a pretty app that logs your exercise and calories. Since it's preloaded, weight-watchers might be more inclined to use it than to download something new. More dedicated fitness buffs can pair it with Samsung's new S Band wrist accessory, heart rate monitor, and body scale ...
Future-proof Connectivity: 4K is as future-proof as resolution comes, but you may also be interested in DisplayPort 1.2 and USB Type-C technologies, to get the most life out of your monitor. Those are the basics, at least. And now, for the monitors: ...
Galaxy AIis here Monitor Energy Score to crush your goals Discover your body's potential with Energy Score.Galaxy AIanalyses key indicators of your overall condition and gives you adaily score. How's your score today? Ready to challenge yourself? If not, fine-tune your sleep, exercise and...