SAMSUNG—三星Logo升级小史 KGDESIGN 三星-越南电子产业的半壁江山 2008年,三星在靠近越南首都河内的北宁省投入建造了其在全球最大的手机制造工厂——三星电子越南有限公司SEV(Samsung Electronics Vietnam)。截至去年,三星在越南共计投资200亿美元,拥… 谁在颠勺.jpg 韩国三星关掉惠州工厂投奔越南,中国不需要焦虑 正解局...
In 1980, the logo changed once as Samsung altered the emblem to the left of its brand name. This new emblem was three four-pointed stars within three slightly squarish shapes stacked on top of each other. The modern version of the Samsung logo was revealed in 1993, and it is the first ...
We’re excited to share the heritage of our brand with you – the story of how it all unfolded. Come explore the milestones of our company and the evolution of our logo over the years. Arriving at a home near you We gained our first global recognition in the 70’s as we started ...
lofty and eternally shining. Since then, we’ve been marching on to a whole universe of possibilities. We’re excited to share the heritage of our brand with you – the story of how it all unfolded. Come explore the milestones of our company and the evolution of our logo over the years...
Samsung logo, at every turn — a rebranding The history of the Samsung logo follows the evolution of the company: every important turning point corresponds to a rebranding. Since 1969, the year in which the company launches into electronics, the Logo comes out of its box and becomes a free...
profile image and your activity history such as the number of posts, joining date, badges you earned and so on, will appear as part of your published contribution content standards the content standards below must be complied with in spirit as well as to the letter we will determine, at our...
{ "title": "Samsung Bus Boarding Pass", "transitType": "Bus", "groupingId": "grp-20221130001", "providerLogo": "https://../logoImage.png", "providerLogo.darkUrl": "https://../logoImageDark.png", "providerName": "SAMSUNG BUS", "user": "GALAXY KIM", "userType": "Adult", "...
TRADEMARKS & SERVICE MARKS The Samsung Logo is the trademark of Samsung Electronics. Adobe is a trademark and Adobe Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. For...
NVMe, NVM Express mark and logo are trademarks of NVM Express Inc. All other marks are property of their respective owners. Revision 1.0 2 User Guide Revision History Revision 1.0 Description Initial Release SAMSUNG PROPRIETARY Date October, 2018 Revision 1.0 3 User Guide SAMSUNG PROPRIETARY Table ...
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