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prasad rayala 10 45 yeah, i mean, the the obscene shift in many things that we are usually doing say working from home for an hour is different from working from home for six months teaching kids for a couple of hours from home is different from remote learning toward the day so ...
3.3.1 Apps published in the Kids category of Galaxy Store:• Must comply with applicable children’s privacy laws and statutes of the countries that the apps are published in (including, but not limited to, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and European Union’s General...
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The user interface is clean and simple, making it easy to navigate. The picture quality is excellent, and the sound quality is outstanding. The picture quality and sound are both excellent, and the user interface is very easy to use. The only downside is that it can be a bit pricey, bu...
Kids will use their parents phones to play games (which already have their parents' credit cards in it). They need to have access to the phone's screen lock (fingerprint, passwords) and voila! Easily spend money on microtransactions! What a dystopian future lies for our children... ...