HW-Q990C Q-Series Soundbar. Solutions & Tips, Download User Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support Australia
“If the price doesn't scare you off, the Q990C is well-equipped to stand its ground with the best Dolby Atmos soundbars in production today.” “Samsung’s latest flagship soundbar builds on the success of previous generations to deliver exceptional object-based sonics.” HW-Q990C, T3...
The Samsung HW-Q990C has a similar design to last year'sSamsung HW-Q990B. The sides of the bar are angled for a hexagonal look. You find a display screen on the right side of the bar while the physical controls are on top. It only shows four characters at a time, so it has to...
总的来说,三星(SAMSUNG)Q990C 11.1.4杜比全景声 回音壁是一款集美观、功能强大、操作便捷于一身的家庭影院音响。无论是从音质、音效处理能力还是外观设计上,它都展现出了三星在音响领域的领先地位。如果你是一个追求高品质音效体验的人,那么这款Q990C绝对值得你拥有。
skip to content 品牌 產品 新聞中心 關於三星 本網站使用Cookies。點擊"同意"或繼續瀏覽網站即表示您同意我們使用Cookie。了解更多. 同意 標註> HW-Q990C 三星Soundbar連續九年蟬聯全球銷售第一 17.04.2023 1 網站 聯絡我們 SAMSUNG.COM 使用規範 隱私規範 版權© 2010-2025 SAMSUNG All Rights Reserved. 置頂 ...
SAMSUNG 三星 Q990C回音壁11.1.4杜比全景环绕声无线蓝牙家庭影院电视音响音箱 Q990C 券后7039元 直达链接 > 京东现售7559元,可领满1500减120元、满5000减400元优惠券,实际到手7039元,近期低价。 可叠加优惠券:满1500减120元、满5000减400元 前往购买» 内容举报 如果需要使用手机或者平板等移动设备打开...
Sourced From Official Q990C Firmware Upgrade Manual: -Turn on the Soundbar and insert the USB drive into the SERVICE port located on the bottom of the Main Unit. The software will begin to update automatically in less than one minute. - A sequence of “UPDATE” →“BYE” →“ON” wil...
Sourced From Official Q990C Firmware Upgrade Manual: -Turn on the Soundbar and insert the USB drive into the SERVICE port located on the bottom of the Main Unit. The software will begin to update automatically in less than one minute. - A sequence of “UPDATE” →“BYE” →“ON” wil...
https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/model/HW-Q990C/XU/#downloads 2 Decades Samsung Ownership, If my response helps leave a Like and Accept as a SolutionDAILY: ZFold6, Watch Ultra, Fit3, CL Ace 2, BT-W6, 20,000 Power bank, Smart TagsFAMILY: ZFlip5, ZFlip6, Watch6 Cla...
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