Samsung Global Goals 應用程式讓每一個人都能為建設更美好的未來作出貢獻。深入了解17個目標的重點,以及其對全球社區的影響。每次當你觀看應用程式內的廣告時,就會獲得捐助資金,這筆資金將會加到你所選擇的發展目標當中。只要攜手同心,我們就能打造更健康、更永續的世界。
As a global corporate citizen, we at Samsung are proud to now be matching your donation from watching the advertisements. Let’s work together to create innovations that defy barriers to progress, and create values aligned with the Global Goals. The future is right around the corner, so make...
了解更多. 同意 三星Samsung Global Goals應用程式榮獲Anthem Awards銅獎肯定 28.11.2024 分享 Samsung Global Goals應用程式善用科技發揮社會影響力 勇奪第4屆Anthem Awards大獎 三星電子宣布其Samsung Global Goals應用程式榮獲第4屆Anthem Awards「夥伴或合作關係-負責任的科技(Partnership or Collaboration-Responsible ...
Generation17 Young Leaders Explore Openness and Collaboration to Drive the Global Goals at Summit of the Future 10.02.2024 Sustainability 6 Things to Know About Taking Climate Action 09.23.2024 Mobile Young Changemakers Collaborate To Champion Global Goals at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games 09....
三星Global Goals 已累计筹集1000万美元 IT之家 12 月 27 日消息,三星近日宣布通过 Samsung Global Goals 应用程序,已经累计筹集到了 1000 万美元(约 6970 万元人民币)。Global Goals 是响应联合国号召在 2015 年推出的一项倡议活动,目前已经得到了全球 193 个国家和地区的支持,目的是到 2030 年解决包括贫困、...
samsung global goals 应用程序由三星与联合国开发计划署合作开发。作为全球性企业公民和全球最大的 android 设备制造商,为地球的未来做出贡献是我们义不容辞的责任。我们希望在您的支持下,向全世界每个人传达#全球目标活动意识。只要您付出宝贵的时间和关注,我们便可以为联合国带去大量的资金、宝贵的资源和有意义的想...
三星推出了旨在帮助消除贫穷和饥饿、减少不平等、应对气候变化以及让世界变得更美好的应用程序。 下载 Samsung Global Goals 应用程序,以行动助力全球目标。 17 个全球目标,又称可持续发展目标 (SDG),建立于联合国数十年辛勤工作之上,且被全部 193 个会员国采纳。 Sa
the sleep data is analyzed and the user can review key sleep statistics and how much time they spent in each sleep stage. sleep coaching functionality compares data to previous days, so the user can track how their daily routine improvements influence their sleep quality. galaxy watch devices ca...
and Sungjin Park of drug product manufacturing - provide their real-life thought leadership on how working with a quality-minded CDMO leads to agile problem-solving of biopharmaceutical challenges. Read this European Biopharmaceutical Review article to learn how CDMOs can cultivate a culture of quality...
Past local visitors that have stayed at this property have given Shilla Stay Samsung COEX Center an average rating of 8.6. You can look up on more specific customer reviews, and feedback for this property down in the review section.