Fold 4 inner screen is quality issues, Samsung refuse to facing the problem and refuse to help. Got fold 4 phone directly from Samsung, phone was used with care for my mom, who does not use that often like youngsters. Phone looks like new, no crack, no damage. Every time fold to clo...
4) on the monitor, launch any apps or games (the games launched is MLBB) 5) on the monitor, the screen hang/freeze 6) un-plugged my phone from the cable and try to turn off 7) glitch issues happen, when unfold the screen totally blackout, then fold back and the front screen r...
foldissues Galaxy galaxyfold hinge Samsung 0 Likes Comment 13 Comments Previous 1 2 Next Jesselaroc Active Level 4 Options 10-31-2023 12:40 PM in Galaxy Z The folds are still super new, and samsungs the only company doing them half decent. I unfortunately don't have the answ...
这款Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4采用了是侧边指纹解锁,只能算是一种堆料行为,操作的时候灵敏度非常差,基本是鸡肋。 另外就是,三星的屏光线强,在护眼方面还需要提升。
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 个问题 - Why my phone works only when pluged in charge, and off when unpluged - Main screen works then not now it doesn't work fold screen is fine - Why is my phone battery dying so fast? - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 won't fully open
【三星(SAMSUNG)手机Z Fold4】,苏宁易购提供三星Galaxy Z Fold4 5G 12GB+512GB 空山绿 7.6英寸折叠屏 骁龙8+Gen1 4400mAh大容量 120Hz刷新率 双卡双待 移动联通电信全网通手机,功能强大高效,沉浸式宽幅大屏,夜拍影像系统,买三星(SAMSUNG)手机,就来三星手机苏宁自营旗
Galaxy Z Fold4 SM-F936B/DS Solutions & Tips Manuals & Downloads Useful Links Additional Information Contact Us Solutions & Tips All FAQ How To Guide How To Video Application Audio Backup & Restore Battery Bluetooth Call & Contacts Camera ...
而三星 Galaxy Z Fold4做到了。所以如果你手持三星 Galaxy Z Fold4,我相信它的屏幕表现是你对它最...
Galaxy Z Fold4及ZFlip4摺疊屏幕手機 即日公開發售 享獲Z尊享禮遇及Samsung Care+兩年服務計劃 Galaxy免費體驗計劃即將推出 2022年9月2日 香港,2022年9月2日-三星電子香港有限公司早前宣佈推出的旗艦新品Galaxy Z Fold4及Z Flip4摺疊屏幕手機今天起於香港正式公開發售。兩款手機除了為用戶提供時尚選色外,更強效功...