Discover the stylish and functional smartwatches from Samsung and explore the full line of smartwatches, including Galaxy Watch6, Galaxy Watch6 Classic and more.
最新的 Samsung 智慧手錶,就在台灣三星電子。了解 Galaxy Watch、Galaxy Watch Classic 及 Galaxy Watch Pro 系列的功能,給你更多智慧好選擇。
此應用程式近期已於上述4個新市場推出並支援Galaxy Watch4,Galaxy Watch Active2和Galaxy Watch3。 豐富多樣錶面,襯托個性風格 用戶僅需更換錶面,即可輕鬆打造充滿個人特色的Galaxy Watch。本次軟體升級將新增10款原先僅支援Galaxy Watch4的錶面。從鮮豔醒目的Big Number和Active錶面,至極簡時尚...
三星於Galaxy Unpacked 2024隆重揭曉Galaxy Watch史上最頂尖的機型-Galaxy Watch Ultra。 Galaxy Watch Ultra專為迎接挑戰設計,並為熱愛極致效能的用戶最佳化裝置,將穿戴裝置體驗推升至嶄新境界。Galaxy Watch Ultra搭載進階AI健康監測與健身功能,結合無與倫比的耐用性和先進硬體,化身隨傳隨到的私人教練。 三星新聞中心...
GaryB82 07-26-2023 07:20 AM in Galaxy Watch The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is the latest smartwatch from Samsung, and it's packed with new features and improvements. Both sizes... View Post 43364 118 40 userSeoYzYrADz a week ago I have the watch six classic really good smartwatch...
Samsungs New Watch 6 and 6 Classic Posted by GaryB8207-26-2023 07:20 AMinGalaxy Watch The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is the latest smartwatch from Samsung, and it's packed with new features and improvements. Both sizes...View Post
I also like it because of the titanium back, because of sensitive skin, apparently its the last model with it that is why I didn't get the newest version. Overall pretty pleased with my purchase Lisa VSVersus Most helpful negative review 1 out of 5 stars review "Galaxy Watch 5 Pro ...
SAMSUNG 三星 Galaxy Watch3 蓝牙版 智能手表 41mm 迷雾金不锈钢表盘 金色皮革表带(GPS、血氧) 商品 1799元起 去购买 多功能运动防水智能手表,内置血氧饱和度测量 查看全部商品 共6款 实时价格 实时价格30天前已更新 天猫精选 最低价 ¥699 所属品牌 ...
you should hold on to your older model if you have one, but new users should definitely consider upgrading to the new Galaxy Watch 5 or even to the latestGalaxy Watch 6. Each of the newer models add a bunch of noteworthy features while retaining the best ones from the previous model....
Buy the 45mm Galaxy Watch 3 if you want a bigger smartwatch with a longer-lasting battery. This model has a 1.4-inch AMOLED display and a 340mAh battery, which Samsung says will get you about two days of use on a charge. The 41mm model is smaller and sleeker but has worse battery...