Samsung Lounge Youtube S22+ Sujet d’origine : Options du sujet (Sujet créé le : 19-08-2022 07:21 PM) 89Visites Aslanfatih Journeyman le19-08-202207:21 PM J'ai l'impression que sur les applis google lorsque que je defile la page il y'a une sorte de mini bug au niveau de ...
*Wi-Fi 6E only available on Galaxy S22+. Galaxy S22 supports Wi-Fi 6. STORAGE So much room for creativity With up to 256GB memory built in, you can keep your low-light masterpieces right on your phone.28 Sync your Gallery with OneDrive, and enjoy 6 months of 100GB OneDrive cloud sto...
Salve, quando apro youtube da diversi giorni mi va a scatti, torna indietro il video e la qualità è bassissima, vado nelle impostazioni e mi dice che non è disponibile cambiare qualità, inoltre mi da vari bug su Facebook e e instagram, non mi fa sentire audio il tasto indietro ...
三星致力提供廣大Galaxy用戶最新行動體驗,秉持此理念,我們宣佈隨著Galaxy S22旗艦系列發表首次亮相的One UI 4.1,將延伸至更廣泛的Galaxy系列機種,讓更多消費者體驗Galaxy創新功能。 此波軟體升級以Galaxy Z Fold3與Galaxy Z Flip3打頭陣,首波升級名單包括Galaxy S21旗艦系列(註一)、Galaxy...
“Samsung has been continuously introducing various innovations in mobile technology, hoping to bring more advanced technological products to consumers. The Galaxy S22 and S22+ have comprehensively upgraded several important functions, exceeding user's imagination in terms of smartphone camera performance and...
註五:Galaxy S22|S22+採用Dynamic AMOLED 2X顯示螢幕,搭載Vision Booster並獲德國VDE認證,可於DCI-P3色彩範圍內實現100%行動色域,意即無論亮度為何,皆可呈現色彩鮮豔且不褪色之影像。Galaxy S22+顯示螢幕最高可達1,750尼特峰值亮度;Galaxy S22最高可達1,300尼特,改善數位影像的明暗對比,進而獲得更加絢麗的畫質,Gala...
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You're using the good lock app, either turn it off to fix the notifications or use the app to move t...View Post Not able to find camera icon on S22 Ultra Posted by Jenjayla205-22-2022 06:27 PMinGalaxy S22 I can't find my camera icon on my s22 ultra anymore. I can only get... 今個星期值得留意的科技新聞包括Samsung Galaxy S22的消息、傳聞iPhone SE 3將搭載屏下解鎖、Disney+支援 IMAX Enhanced格式...想知道詳細內容就唔好錯過新一集《Price Weekly》喇! 轉載影片侵權私訊刪 展开更多 ...
Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra / Galaxy S22+ / Galaxy S22 (SM-S908U/SM-S906U/SM-S901U) Get support for Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra / Galaxy S22+ / Galaxy S22 (SM-S908U/SM-S906U/SM-S901U) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, t