*16GB of RAM available with 512GB storage Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G model. 12GB of RAM available with 256GB and 128GB Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G models. SECURITY Lock it up TheKnox securityplatform delivers a high level of security, protecting your phone from the chip up and giving you more confidence...
全新Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G。以獨樹一格的方廓鏡頭設計,革新攝影,讓你同步捕捉影院級8K影片和拍出震撼硬照。並配備Galaxy上最高效晶片、最強玻璃、5G和全日電量,一如Ultra之名,體現極致。
Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (16GB RAM + 512GB ROM) Phantom Black, Phantom Silver - Pre-order from January 15 at Samsung Online Shop (https://shop.samsung.com/hk_en), Samsung Experience Store, authorized resellers and distributors’ physical and online stores ...
*16GB of RAM available with 512GB storage Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G model. 12GB of RAM available with 256GB and 128GB Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G models. *When compared to the previous S series. Lock it up The Knox security platform delivers a high level of security, protecting your phone from the ...
16GB of RAM available with 512GB storage Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G model. 12GB of RAM available with 256GB and 128GB Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G models. When compared to the previous S series. Lock it up The Knox security platform delivers a high level of security, protecting your phone from the chip...
Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G 精彩造起來。它的相機為您帶來革命性拍攝體驗,並且支援 8K 影片錄製與 108MP 解析度。同時並搭載 5nm 高效處理器和智慧電池。
SAMSUNG 三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G手机 16GB+512GB 幽夜黑 商品 12609元起 去购买 首款支持S Pen的S系列旗舰,双光学防抖长焦运动镜头更加稳定。 查看全部商品 共5款 实时价格 实时价格30天前已更新 真快乐 最低价 ¥10699 所属品牌 SAMSUNG/三星 47286人关注 品牌隶属于韩国最大的跨国企业集团,由...
迎接2021 年,三星一開春就推出年度重磅旗艦產品 Samsung Galaxy S21 5G 全系列,有旗艦中的旗艦 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G,要滿足方方面面都追求頂尖的使用者。這次 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G 在拍照部分有著非常大的進展,更有創作空間。
12MP Ultra wide 10M Telephoto (3x) 10M Telephoto (10x) Max. zoom up to 100x Front Camera 40MP Battery Capacity5 5000mAh Storage6 512GB/256GB S Pen compatibility7 Yes Dimension (HxWxD, mm) 75.6x165.1x8.9mm NEWGalaxy S21+ 5G Colours2 ...
The fastest chip ever in Galaxy Galaxy's first 5nm processor packs epic power and speed. This outstanding upgrade means faster learning and more intelligence in every aspect of Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G. *Image simulated for illustration purposes.*16GB of RAM available with 512GB storage Galaxy S21 ...