Will there be any updates from Samsung to fix the touch screen not working after OneUI 6.1 Update on Galaxy S21 Ultra ؟؟ in Other Galaxy S Series a week ago Continue without accepting Samsung Electronics, and its partners, use cookies and similar technologie...
Buna! De cate zile mi se intampla ca telefonul sa isi dea restart din senin, cam o data pe zi, fie in timpul unui apel, fie cand e blocat. A mai
My S21 has been randomly turning off and on since the update. I’ve done all the suggested “fixes”, even had a Samsung Doorstep appointment, where a qualified Samsung technician looked at the phone, identified software issue, told me it “should” be fixed…..and it...
I received my new phone at the end of September, mid October my phone started to randomly restart. This can happen when I am using the phone, and when I am not. The phone isn't hot. I have had no new apps installed, so must be an issue with the device. I contacted support who...
Buna ziua,am un Samsung S21 5G achizitionat in noiembrie si intampin urmatoarea problema: de cateva zile a inceput sa se restarteze din senin,iar astazi s-a inchis de tot,reusind sa il repornesc f greu.Este o problema pe care o pot rezolva eu sau trebuie sa il trimit la garantie...
Restartujący się telefon - Galaxy s21 Opcje tematu (Temat utworzony: 03-01-2022 08:53 PM)740 Wyświetlenia Też mam ten problemWojtek8181 First Poster 03-01-2022 08:53 PM Witam, Czy rozwiązał ktoś problem samoczynnie wyłączającego i włączają...
Ostatní Galaxy S Series Restart Původní téma:Restart Možnosti tématu (Téma vytvořeno: 25-03-2021 12:02 PM)306 Zobrazení Popisky: S21 Tento problém mám takéangelinaiva Pathfinder o 25-03-2021 12:02 PM Za prvé, vyměnila jsem S20 za S21 velké změny tam nejsou...
W od miesiąca S21+ bez żadnego powodu czasami nawet zablokowany potrafi się sam zresetować. Funkcja automatycznego ponownego uruchamiania jest
Then restart your device.If that alone doesn't work, repeat above but clear data this time.Finally if that doesn't work, perform a Wipe Partition Cache on your device. S24 Ultra 0 Likes Reply Related Content Space bar issue in Other Galaxy S Series Tuesday S21 ultra Camera Cutout ...
How to restart Samsung S21? Are you having trouble turning off your Samsung phone? This is for a variety of reasons. For starters, it may be a simple and effective technique to minimize smartphone distractions when watching movies, attending meetings, or attending other activities. It's also ...