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Manual, downloads, specs and register Galaxy S21 FE 5G (US Cellular)edit Register Gain access to exclusive offers and perks, apps and services, world-class customer support and more. register now Manuals AUG 26,2021 Legalver. 11, ENGLISH(North America) ...
Manual, downloads, specs and register Galaxy S21 FE 5G (T-Mobile)edit Register Gain access to exclusive offers and perks, apps and services, world-class customer support and more. register now Manuals AUG 26,2021 Legalver. R 11.0, ENGLISH(North America) ...
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Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy S21 FE (SM-G990U/SM-G990U2) Get support for Samsung Galaxy S21 FE (SM-G990U/SM-G990U2) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, troubleshooting, email, and more from AT&T
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Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G連同5G 50GB服務計劃上台優惠價為$3,594。選購Galaxy S21 FE 5G可獲贈高達$1,363禮遇,經網上選購可享更多優惠,受條款及細則約束。條款及細則 *按Ookla® 就Speedtest Intelligence® 數據於2021年4月1日「中國移動香港5G商用一週年發布會」上公佈的5G網絡測試分析(「分析」),於...
今年1月,三星Galaxy S21系列迎來全新成員S21 FE 5G。此款行動裝置搭載與Galaxy S21系列同樣令人驚艷的設計、強悍效能、專業級相機及無縫串聯體驗,S21 FE 5G以全方位規格讓更多用戶享受S21系列的絕佳效能。 請參閱下列規格圖表,了解Galaxy S21 FE 5G的卓越之處。
Here's how to quickly set up your Galaxy S21 FE 5G. If you need to transfer contacts and media from one device to another, follow thesestep-by-step instructionsbefore activating your new Galaxy S21 FE 5G. For info on prepaid service activation, refer toSet up Verizon Prepaid Service. ...
If your Galaxy S21 FE 5G shows the incorrect date and/or time, here's how to correct it. Open the Settings app . Navigate: General Management Date and time . To use network-provided values, tap Automatic date & time to turn on. ...