Hi, I'm having an issue with my text messages, it won't let me reply to anyone, I've tried numerous times to send a text and it keeps throwing me out, I've switched the phone off and back on, but nothing has changed, I need the texts for work, I'm using WhatsApp to r...
Re: AiCore Keeps Stopping JUMP TO SOLUTION Solved Original topic:AiCore Keeps Stopping Topic Options (Topic created: 12-17-2024 05:58 PM)95 Views Matthew904 Galaxy Options 12-17-2024 08:29 AM in Discussions I reported this a few times in Beta 1, I'm still getting the error ...
Is there a way to solve the (Android system keeps stopping) whitout reboot it poops up randomly 1 Like Reply BionicBeautress Cosmic Ray Options 08-10-2024 02:57 PM (Last edited 08-10-2024 02:58 PM ) in Galaxy S24 You can always reset your APN ba...
Whenever I try to open the app, it closes within seconds with a prompt saying WhatsApp keeps stopping. I have been facing this issue for the past...View Post Samsung health cycling app suddenly reporting inaccurate data Posted by pistolpositiveTuesdayinMobile Apps & Services ...
health services provides an advanced set of apis that allow your application to take full advantage of the powerful hardware available on galaxy watches running wear os powered by samsung. thanks to this careful combination of hardware and software, applications are able to reliably track information...
Switch to Galaxy to open up seamless ways to work, play and stay healthy across your devices. Go to Connected Experience Share files in the moment Effortlessly send photos, videos and a variety of files with users outside the Galaxy ecosystem through Quick Share. Previously an exclusive among...
Switch to Galaxy to open up seamless ways to work, play and stay healthy across your devices. Go to Connected Experience Share files in the moment Effortlessly send photos, videos and a variety of files with users outside the Galaxy ecosystem through Quick Share. Previously an exclusive among...
12 Solutions for Galaxy Z Flip 5 Messenger App Stuck on White Screen/Not Showing Messages ByHarold HisonaApril 11, 2024 There are several reasons why your Galaxy Z Flip 5 Messenger app might suddenly display a white screen and stop showing… ...
Transfer heart rate data from Galaxy Watch to a mobile device transfer heart rate data from galaxy watch to a mobile device objective create a health app for galaxy watch, operating on wear os powered by samsung, to measure heart rate and inter-beat interval ibi , send data to a paired an...
samsung accessory service keeps stopping Try restarting your device and the accessory. If that doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the Accessory Service app. Accessory Service is draining my battery Check that the accessory is properly connected to your device. If it is, you can try disabling...