Skillfully designed. Military tough. Galaxy Chromebook Go is built to withstand all the hiccups that come with everyday life, even drops, dings and spills.
making it perfect for busy lives on the go. With a 14" screen and weighing 3.2 lb., this Chromebook helps you stay light and fast on your feet by not weighing you down. Plus, Galaxy Chromebook Go is easy to use and ready for action — simply unpack it, turn it on...
商品名称:三星(SAMSUNG)Galaxy Chromebook Go笔记本电脑超14英寸谷歌32GB WiFi版 商品编号:10080674214094 店铺:LycheePINK海外卖场店 货号:FBA-G/JX-B/Samsung&JM014 屏幕比例:16:10 内存容量:32GB 厚度:15.1-18.0mm 屏幕尺寸:14.0-14.9英寸 显卡型号:集成显卡 ...
三星(SAMSUNG)笔记本电脑 Galaxy Chromebook Go14英寸谷歌系统笔记本电脑32GB Wifi/LTE (AT&T移动联通)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Here's how to set wallpaper for the screen on your Galaxy Chromebook Go.Navigate: Launcher > Settings. In the 'Personalization' section, click Wallpaper. Click an available category (e.g., Cityscapes, Landscapes, My Images, etc.). Click the desired wallpaper image to select it....
Here's how to remove or delete apps if your Galaxy Chromebook Go is unresponsive, freezes or an app won't open. Apps included with the Chrome™operating system may not have an uninstall option. Navigate: Launcher > Settings > Apps
Galaxy S21 Series Chromebook go 21+ Chromebook go 21+ Opzioni discussione (Argomento creato il giorno: 19-12-2021 03:45 PM)181 Visualizzazioni Anche io ho questo problemaAlex30129 Navigator in data 19-12-2021 03:45 PM Ragazzi sto provando a caricare la prova di acquisto e foto ...
Galaxy Chromebook represents the transformed notebook with support of the stylus, and the stylus is delivered in a set. Thanks to it the user will be able to use the Samsung Click-to-Call and Messaging applications and also other functionssmartphoneAndroiddirectly from the notebook. Samsung as ...
We finally have the Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go in the office and we’re doing what we do, hopping in the box and seeing what is offered by this somewhat-strangely named Chromebook. You see, the Galaxy Chromebook Go is larger, heavier, and thicker than both the original Samsung Galaxy Chr...
价格:¥12779.00 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 满减 每300元减40元 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:三星(SAMSUNG)系列:Galaxy Chromebook型号:Galaxy Chromebook