Witam. .mam słuchawki galaxy buds plus i działały dobrze od kąd nie zaktualizował słuchawek. Problem jest taki że po aktualizacji słuchawek prawa słuchawka gra odrobinę ciszej a z lewą jest wszystko dobrze. Oddać do serwisu czy poczekać na kolejną aktual...
Salve ho acquistato le galaxy buds+ ma non c'è verso di farle riconoscere all'app galaxy wereable. Le cuffie si collegano normalmente al bluethoot del telefono. Uso un s10+, ma ho provato anche su altri due telefoni differenti ma non cambia nulla. Ho già provato a riscaricare ...
Accept Last Update date :Jul 25. 2022 In case you experience connection issues with your Galaxy Buds+, please check all of the solutions outlined in detail below to resolve the issue. If the problem persists, you can visit the Samsung Service Center with your device to receive further...
Oggi l'app wearable ha effettuato l'aggiornamento compreso le cuffie buds+, una volta concluso l'aggiornamento l'augio non è più pulito e limpido come prima ma è metallico. Non so come e se si può risolvere o annullare l'aggiornamento. Come posso risolvere 1 like Rispondere 2 Ris...
In case you experience connection issues with your Galaxy Buds+, please check all of the solutions outlined in detail below to resolve the issue. If the problem persists, you can visit the Samsung Service Center with your device to receive further assistance. ...
Last Update date :Aug 13. 2020 In case you experience connection issues with your Galaxy Buds+, please check all of the solutions outlined in detail below to resolve the issue. If the problem persists, you can visit the Samsung Service Center with your device to receive further assistance. ...
记一次Samsung GalaxyBuds+ 更换电池 创作立场声明:在读学生,第一次写,纯记录 本人学生,于2020年四月购入三星galaxybuds+,用了半年后偶现左耳掉电速度极快,在电池仓异常亏电的情况,奈何疫情期间学校一直封校,没办法跑售后,一来二去就拖过保了... 有一次...
Problem z korektorem w buds 3 Pro w Akcesoria wczoraj Wyciszenie w buds 3 pro w Akcesoria sobota Galaxy buds 3 pro ETUI ładujące w Akcesoria tydzień temu Galaxy Buds3 potrafią się łączyć z telefonem, będąc w etui w Akcesoria 2 tygodni(e) temu Problemy ...
OthersPair your Galaxy Buds to your Samsung smartwatch You can connect your smartwatch to a pair of Bluetooth earbuds, so you can enjoy the soundtrack of your life. Additionally, when your watch is connected to your phone or has mobile network service, you manage calls anywhere you go. ...
2. Battery life is very poor. 3. Charging problems: sometimes the buds do not charge while in the case. 4. The paint is starting to disappear where it rubs against the case. I am using a Samsung phone, and there are still many issues. I am very disappointed...