Galaxy Buds 2 Pro的主动降噪功能也得到了改进,三个新的麦克风消除了更多的外部噪音,甚至超越了Apple的Airpods Pro。一个新功能是对话模式:使用者在佩戴耳机时讲话,耳机会自动切换到环境音模式并降低正在听的音乐音量。 音质表现 Galaxy Buds 2 Pro支持新的三星无缝Hi-Fi编码,全面支援24位元高解析音讯,需要注意的是...
【4K】AirPods 4 vs Galaxy Buds 3 对比评测 | 作者 | 机翻中文 3464 -- 3:02 App AirPods 4首发体验-没有对手! 1980 -- 2:21 App 教你vidda X 2025 75寸 3447,85寸4529拿下,2000nit高亮度,性价比极高的miniled真HDR电视! 4.4万 112 9:24 App 百元小主机搞定NAS存储、家庭影视...
苏宁易购为您提供三星(SAMSUNG)三星 Galaxy Buds2 橄榄黑耳机/耳麦和[高效便利]苹果Apple Airpods 无线耳机 1代W1芯片 蓝牙入耳式耳机无线手机耳机 港版参数对比,让您了解三星(SAMSUNG)三星 Galaxy Buds2 橄榄黑耳机/耳麦和[高效便利]苹果Apple Airpods 无线耳机 1代W1芯片
【戴灵T5&T5 Pro 的耳机盒带屏幕!】当AirPods妹妹crush了JBL giegie后… 就有了199元外观酷似的外星人的戴灵T5 Pro 2542 -- 5:42 App 借【iKF Ultra】我们聊聊圈铁耳机无线化的难度和必要性! 4339 -- 2:35 App 千元内头戴式耳机天花板!一魔声学E600 Pro:音质超神、降噪无敌、续航逆天 2.4万 2100 15:...
The sound is also mediocre, LIE even apple fans know the apple airpods is expensive and the sound is not the best . you talked about the Samsung Galaxy buds that just drop , when you had 2/years with apple airpods . yes you did mention Samsung x icon , but never mention that these ...
They'll work with iOS and Android devices, with Samsung limiting some of the features to only Galaxy phones, like a dedicated gaming mode. As for the fit, you'll have a choice between three changeable tips to help find the better fit for your ear. They're sweat and water-res...
本人用的是三星s10,无数次考虑要买airpods,官方1599要等很久,实体店现货1899完全不符合值得买精神,所以目光便转移到了三星最新发布的buds上了,以实体店ap零头的价格享受软硬件一体的体验,真的值了。首次连接 首次连接的提示,以后只要开盒就自动链接,不需要任何操作。s10...
Galaxy Buds • AirPods The Galaxy Buds case has one last feature, which is wireless charging, but more on that later. In terms of size, the AirPods case is definitely the smaller of the two and sits more snugly in your pocket than the Galaxy Buds case. However, neither is particularly...
2月份,三星推出 Samsung Galaxy Buds无线耳机(点击领取蓝牙耳机优惠券),国行版售价 999元。价格比一代 Apple AirPods便宜三四百块钱。 Galaxy Buds由AKG调校,支持无线充电和 Bixby 语音助手,续航为 6 小时。可以使用S10手机反向无线充电为耳机盒充电。整个配对过程与苹果AirPods类似,只需要掀开耳机充电盒的盖子就能完...
P.s. 磨损情况:盒子本身是磨砂的,不像airpods光滑,所以没有划痕只有一些磨损区域,顶部LOGO两侧和底部...