ör/update-buds-pro-2/td-p/8312752?src=ShareByUserCM 2 Likes Antworten S23ULTRA-USER Pioneer am 09-10-2023 02:51 PM Als Antwort auf USflatliner Verdammt, ich war 9 Minuten zu spät 🤣 1 Like Antworten USflatliner MegaStar am...
Galaxy Buds2 Pro Brings Updates To The Enhanced Ambient Sound Feature 05.16.2023 Mobile Samsung and JADEN Launch Samsung Galaxy x MSFTSrep Eco-conscious Accessories Collection for Earth Day 04.13.2023 Wearables Press Release New Software Updates to Galaxy Buds2 Pro and Galaxy Watch Series Uple...
Every note sounds like the real thing because clear audio starts at the source with your favorite Samsung Galaxy device. The updated Samsung Seamless Codec encodes the full 24-bit audio to decode on the Galaxy Buds2 Pro, maintaining that same 24-bit high-quality sound.1,2 ...
*「默認設定」指在Galaxy Buds2 Pro首次發佈時的原廠設定下,直接打開電源。*「播放時間」指當Galaxy Buds2 Pro連接到手機串流音樂的時間。 播放時間或因裝置設置而異。 典型容量是由第三方實驗室進行測試所得。典型容量是以IEC 61960-3標準,測試多個電池樣本並考慮到不同電池的容量偏差所作的估算平均值...
Hey does anyone know why the Find A Broadcast feature is not showing up in my bluetooth tab, for the new Auracast feature that supposed to come on my Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. The Samsung says the update started showing up for people on October 4th 2023 or around that date...
Come devo procedere per richiedere le galaxy buds2 pro che erano indicate nella promozione? Grazie a tutti. 😊 0 Likes Rispondere 10 Risposte Precedente 1 2 Successivo sambo73 Pioneer in data 24-01-2024 09:32 PM Devi avere aderito alla promo prima del 18 gennaio, se li ...
Galaxy Buds 2 Pro使用最新的蓝牙5.3,比Galaxy Buds Pro的蓝牙5.0和Galaxy Buds 2的蓝牙5.2更加进步,带来了更好的连线范围、更快的速度和更高的效率。 Galaxy Buds 2 Pro的主动降噪功能也得到了改进,三个新的麦克风消除了更多的外部噪音,甚至超越了Apple的Airpods Pro。一个新功能是对话模式:使用者在佩戴耳机时讲...
搭载智能主动降噪技术,Galaxy Buds2 Pro 能够智能感知周围环境噪音,并即时做出反应,为用户创造出全面封闭的音乐世界。在嘈杂的城市、交通工具中,尽情沉浸于高品质音乐,享受专属于自己的宁静空间。三、24bit高保真音频,还原音乐本质 支持24bit高保真音频,Galaxy Buds2 Pro 能够还原音频的最细微差异,提供更加真实、...
s Fit Test to make sure you choose the right set. While the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro Buds don’t offer the most secure fit, they are among the most comfortable for long stretches. Sometimes, the battery will actually drain before I get the chance to remove the buds from my ears, scarcely ...
三星Galaxy Buds2 Pro采用人体工学设计,增强的风流技术有助于减少耳道压力,耳机体积相比于上代缩小15%,单耳重5.5g,提供幽紫秘境、哥特太空和冰雪浮绘三种配色。 耳机内置双扬声器,低音单元+高音单元组合,支持24bit高保真音频,360°音频让声音真实立体。360音频算法与多声道和杜比头部追踪技术相结合,使声音和动作保持同...