The best price of Samsung Galaxy A50s 128GB in Sri Lanka was Rs. 54,900. The price has been sourced from 0 stores in Sri Lanka as on 21st November 2022.
The best price of Samsung Galaxy A10 in Sri Lanka was Rs. 24,900. The price has been sourced from 0 stores in Sri Lanka as on 4th February 2021.
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Log-In/Sign-Up Why Create a Samsung Account? Open My Menu Why Create a Samsung Account? Shop Shop Offers All Offers Mobile Offers Television Offers Refrigerator Offers Washing Machine Offers Laptop & Monitor Offers Special Stores Corporate Employee Program Samsung Student Advantage...
Galaxy eSIM (embedded SIM) is a digital SIM that allows you to use the mobile data without a physical SIM card (Mini SIM, Micro SIM, Nano SIM, etc.). Please note:eSIM service may vary depending on the country and carrier. Galaxy devices that support eSIM ...
By accessing this platform, you can download and install applications registered both in Samsung Galaxy Apps and other app stores simultaneously. Theme Service Customize your Galaxy models with a Galaxy theme. Each one comes with a thoughtfully designed set of wallpaper, icons and details....
Smart Convertible (5 in 1) refrigerator provides you the different modes Smart Convertible (5 in 1) refrigerator: Samsung introduces the world's first Smart Convertible 5-in-1 Refrigerator powered by Twin Cooling PlusTM technology, allowing the freezer to convert into a fridge with five differen...
Tethering is a feature in your Samsung Smartphone that makes you to connect your phone to a computer via USB cable, Bluetooth & Ethernet cable. Tethering allows the sharing of an Internet connection of the phone or tablet with other device such as laptop/computer via USB cable, Bluetooth ...
e).Washing one or two shirts in 30 minutes ● If a piece of clothes is not completely dry when it is humid, the machine can dry it within 30 minutes. f).Preventing bio-film caused by humidity from occurring ● You do not need to worry about the humidity inside the drum. ...