Samsung has slashed the price of its Samsung Galaxy A50 smartphone in India. The device had earlier received a price cut of Rs. 1500 but now its price is reduced by Rs. 3500. Galaxy A50 price now starts at Rs. 14,999 in India for the base 4GB RAM vatiant. It is Rs. 5,000 le...
What is the Portrait studio feature in Galaxy devices Instant slow-mo feature in Galaxy devices ‘Protect battery’ feature in Samsung Galaxy phones How to enable customise the Samsung Keyboard toolbar Galaxy A50 (4GB RAM) SM-A505F/DS
Samsung Galaxy A20, A50, and A70 may launch in North America Previously only available in India, the Samsung Galaxy A20, Galaxy A50, and Galaxy A70 may be coming to the US and Canada. By Jack Price Apr 30, 2019 Samsung Galaxy A50 gets Bixby Routines and new camera features in the ...
Samsung SmartPlaza Walk-in to the store and get exclusive offers. Available offers Up to 22.5% additional cashback* on selected banks CASHBACK OFFER: Offer on: Federal Bank: Credit Cards EMI Transactions ICICI Bank: Debit & Credit Cards EMI Transactions ...
Samsung unveiled the new A series in India debuting the two phones, Galaxy A30, and the Galaxy A50. The Galaxy A50 is the upper midrange smartphone featuring
Actually decided not to get either A50 as it's just too big. If only Samsung made A40 or another decent smaller size device in this price range for my region. Do we really need all these large phones to choose from and hardly any smaller ones?
4G/SM-A135/SM-A137/A13LTE、Samsung,Galaxy三星A13,5G/A04S/SM-A136、三星Galaxy,A20S、三星A23/SM-A235F、三星Galaxy,A30/A20/M10s、三星A32,4G/A32,LTE/SM-A325F、三星A32,5G/SM-A326B/M32,5G-India、三星A33,5G/SM-A336、三星Galaxy,A50、三星A52,5G/A52,4G/SM-A526B/A526W/A5260/A ...
适用三星A30/A20手机壳Galaxy F62多卡槽m52钱包翻盖皮套侧扣A10 适用型号 三星A10、三星A20/A30、三星A20E、三星A40、三星A50/A50S/A30S、三星A70、三星A80/A90、三星S10、三星S10E、三星S10+/S10,Plus、三星Note,10、三星Note,10+/Note,10,Plus、三星Note,8、三星Note,9、三星S21、三星S21+/S21,Plus、三星S...
So, don't come here and shout where this A50 has better camera, it simply is not. It might just comparable at the midrange priced smartphone, but not equal to the quality of flagship. So, set your expectation right before hyping for this phone. A dropped in price for Samsung Galaxy S8...
above 15k consumers are going for a50 leaving a void in segment 13k to 19k. samsung please respect indian consumer it will reply back with lot of positiveness. end of story : give respect take respect [ give good phone with good features at reasonable price take good share of indian ...