antalm7 hours ago Please add volume bar to full screen video in landscape mode such that when the screen is touched an...View Post Trending Discussions Feature Request: Real-Time Collaborative Editing within Samsung Notes How to delete Google messaging?
Samsung Galaxy A35 review Samsung has unveiled the new members of the Galaxy A series hot on the heels of the Galaxy S24 premiere. The Galaxy A35 and Galaxy A55 build on the positive reception of the previous models and... Read
Choose from convenient service options that work with your schedule and needs. This includes our Walk-in, We Come to You, Mail-in and Self-repair options. We’re here to help. For even more protection, you can add Samsung Care+ for a fee. ...
Peut on activer une eSIM sur un A52s 5G qui a pour référence SM-A528B/DS? Si c'est possible, quelle est la méthode? Merci beaucoup! Bien cordialement, Eric 0 Compliments Répondre 1 Répondre Pi_Jo_75 Samsung Members Star ★★★ le 05-07-2024 02:09 PM Bonjour...
I have just purchased a new Samsung Galaxy S21 5G but there's issue with it when adding an esim to it, after clicking on the add esim from the section in settings it will just keep loading loading it will load for not limited time and will not give any response but...
SIM cards are a vital part of your Galaxy phone. Without one, you won't be able to do anything. It's important to know how to insert and activate a SIM card or eSIM, in case you need to have two phone numbersfor a single device. ...
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