4K UHD 解析度,極致視覺,細節栩栩如生 Fast IPS 超廣視角面板,生動色彩,全面呈現 144Hz 更新頻率,迅速動作,帶來流暢遊戲體驗 購買地點比較 <-- quick view --> 較長備貨 34吋 Odyssey OLED G8 曲面電競顯示器 G85SD 顏色: 顏色: 總價格:NT$32,900 ...
奧德賽Odyssey Neo G9除能提供驚豔的感官體驗,亦搭載最新DP2.1 連接埠的電競曲面螢幕。支援雙4K與240Hz,傳輸速度為傳統DisplayPort 1.4 的兩倍,同時擁有240Hz畫面更新率和1ms反應時間,內建 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro技術,消除畫面延遲, 讓玩家在感受視覺震撼的同時,也能體驗順暢的極速快感,輕鬆閃避一切攻擊。另支...
32吋 Odyssey G7 IPS 平面電競顯示器 G70D 顏色: 顏色: 總價格:NT$19,900 評分Product Ratings :0(評分 :0) 4K UHD 解析度,極致視覺,細節栩栩如生 Fast IPS 超廣視角面板,生動色彩,全面呈現 144Hz 更新頻率,迅速動作,帶來流暢遊戲體驗 購買地點比較 ...
This $500 price drop brings Samsung's 49-inch Odyssey G9 ultrawide monitor down to its lowest price yet Monitors A fantastic price for a massive monitor By Timi Cantisano Sep 21, 2024 Samsung's 49-inch Odyssey G9 ultrawide monitor gets extreme $500 discount, falling to lowest price ...
Samsung 57" Odyssey Neo G9 Dual UHD 240Hz Curved Monitor 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Samsung 57" Odyssey Neo G9 双4K 240Hz Mini LED 曲面显示器 2499.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
The SamsungOdyssey Neo G9(G95NC) is now available for pre-order on Samsung.com. The 57-inch display is the world’s first monitor to support Dual 4K UHD (DUHD) resolution of 7,680 x 2,160, the equivalent of two 32-inch 4K UHD monitors side-by-side. It ...
虽然Samsung之前以全球第一款8K超广阔游戏显示屏幕作招徕,实际上Odyssey Neo G9只有真正8K的一半像素,相当于将两部4K显示屏整合。尽管如此,显示比例32:9的Odyssey Neo G9还是拥有市场鲜见的7.680 x 2,160分辨率,用上Samsung的Quantum Mini LED背光面板,并且获得VESA DisplayHDR 1,000认证。Odyssey Neo G9的...
采用miniLED面板的Odyssey Neo G9,分辨率高达7,680 x 2,160,显示比例为32 : 9,相当于将两部4K...
I had a CHG70 that crapped out 3 times in a year, then it got replaced with an Odyssey G7 (the original QHD model) that had to be RMAd once and still has its own problems. Reply ✔️ ? Anonymous 0vE 24 Aug 2023 Anton., 24 Aug 20232,500 dollars only the monitor!!!
The Odyssey Neo G9 57" or G95NC has a VA-type LCD panel with a resolution of 7680 x 2160 and a 1000R curvature. This 32:9 aspect ratio display is equivalent to having two 16:9 3840 x 2160 panels side by side. The 57-inch size is a factor of the ultra-wide aspect ratio and...