Samsung recommends using "HE"(High Efficiency)detergent, which is designed specifically for high efficiency front loader washing machines. "HE" detergent has high efficiency cleaning capabilities with low sudsing properties. Non "HE" detergent normally has high sudsing properties, and will cause...
Sud Foaming Detected • Too much foaming • It is also displayed while foaming is removed. - When the removal is finished, the normal cycle proceeds. “Sud” or “SUdS” is displayed when too much foaming is detected and “End” is displayed when the removal of the foaming is finished...
2. Make sure the Pump Filter is clean (Front-Loader Washers) There are a number of LG front-loading washing machines that contain a pump filter or debris filter that is located on the front of the machine and maybe accessed there. Lint and other foreign items should be removed from the ...
Samsung recommends using"HE" (High Efficiency) detergent, which is designed specifically for high efficiency front loader washing machines. "HE" detergent has high efficiency cleaning capabilities with low sudsing properties. Non "HE" detergent normally has high sudsing properties, and will cause exce...
Samsung recommends using"HE" (High Efficiency) detergent, which is designed specifically for high efficiency front loader washing machines. "HE" detergent has high efficiency cleaning capabilities with low sudsing properties. Non "HE" detergent normally has high sudsing properties, and will cause exce...