Galaxy Watch4: Expert Review Highlights video DESIGN A classic that's truly timeless DESIGN This rotating bezel turns more than heads Some looks are timeless, like the Galaxy Watch4 Classic's rotating bezel and vivid screen. The refined design brings sophistication to your wrist and ...
Also if you have a sold for the USA Watch 4 Classic (lte??), I am almost certain it won't connect in a China or on a China phone network. Plus you have to have a compatable phone to sync with Wear App. The Battery drains fast as it is constantly trying to connect or sync with...
The Samsung Galaxy Watch4 comes in two designs. Our review unit is the Galaxy Watch4 with a black Armor Aluminum casing and a virtual rotating...
Classic, 就是經典 設計 旋轉式錶圈,豈止奪目 一些造型就是顯得經典,就像是Galaxy Watch4 Classic的旋轉式錶圈和鮮豔屏幕。精緻設計為你的手腕帶來優雅美感,高檔的不銹鋼物料展現出手錶的強大力量和直接簡易的功能性。 前往GALAXY WATCH4 錶帶 配「帶」,
”Regele s-a întors!”, spune George Buhnici în cel mai recent review video pe care l-a făcut ceasului Galaxy Watch4 Classic . În aproape 30 de minute, George Buhnici trece prin majoritatea funcțiilor prezente pe cel mai nou smartwatch lansat de către Samsung. În...
LTE funcționează fără telefon, mai puțin cu căștile. Plățile prin Google Pay merg bine desi trebuie sa deschizi aplicația înainte, la apple era mai
相当解压的旋转表冠是classic上独有的,用来进行上下滚动的操作 背面各种传感器看着和苹果的其实都差不多...
三星Galaxy Watch4 Classic表盘为圆形设计,采用物理旋转表圈,表框为不锈钢材质,屏幕为Super AMOLED材质。42mm版本屏幕尺寸为1.2英寸,46mm版本屏幕尺寸为1.4英寸,颜色有陨石黑、雪川银两色。在其它方面的配置也有所变化,下面我们来看看其它的配置情况:1、全新谷歌Wear OS系统,更智能、更便捷、更丰富的APP生态...
Buy the Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Classic 46mm 16 GB from AT&T, featuring ECG monitor, stainless-steel case & rotating bezel. Get the best Galaxy Watch deals online.
三星Galaxy Watch4 Classic表盘为圆形设计,采用物理旋转表圈,表框为不锈钢材质,屏幕为Super AMOLED材质。42mm版本屏幕尺寸为1.2英寸,46mm版本屏幕尺寸为1.4英寸,颜色有陨石黑、雪川银两色。 在其它方面的配置也有所变化,下面我们来看看其它的配置情况: 1、全新谷歌Wear OS系统,更智能、更便捷、更丰富的APP生态体验。