*** Galaxy A55 5G (SM-A556)'s display received Eye Care Certification by SGS based on its ability to reduce the harmful effects of blue light. Empower your day with the 2-day battery Boundless power at your fingertips with our 5,000mAh (typical) Super Fast Charging battery. Stay connec...
Meet the Galaxy A55 5G. The simple yet improved Galaxy A series comes in an iconic design featuring a 3-camera layout in a metal flat frame design for an easy and intuitive grip. Plus, it’s built with Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus®+ making it tougher and more damage-resistant....
*** Galaxy A55 5G (SM-A556)'s display received Eye Care Certification by SGS based on its ability to reduce the harmful effects of blue light. Empower your day with the 2-day battery Boundless power at your fingertips with our 5,000mAh (typical) Super Fast Charging battery. Stay connec...
a55useros Student 6 godzin(y) temu Witam mam problem z automatycznym resetowaniem po aktualizacji zabezpieczeń z grudnia 2024. W aplikacji samsung members wyświetla się automatyczny raport o błędach. Po wykonaniu wipe cache partition telefon resetuje się po tygodniu. Da się...
Pozostaje zatem wykonać hard reset bez przywracania kopii zapasowej. Zdarza się bowiem, że wraz z kopią przywracane są błędy. [Poradnik] Jak wykonać hard reset?https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/pozosta%C5%82e-smartfony/poradnik-soft-hard-reset-tryb-bezpieczn.....
Galaxy A55 5G (SM-A556ELBWMEA) - See the benefits and full features of this product. Learn more and find the best Smartphones for you at Samsung Lebanon.
Samsung Galaxy A55 5G 規格: 特點 亮麗全屏幕畫面體驗︰ · 6.6 吋 infinity-O FHD+ , Super AMOLED 全屏幕顯示 (1080 x 2340) · 流暢 120Hz 屏幕刷新率 · 提升日光下的屏幕可視性,增強影像質素 超卓拍攝功能︰ 1)3 後置鏡頭︰ - 主鏡頭: 5,000萬像素(光學防震)自動...
Galaxy A55 5G保固資訊 常見問題操作: 三星手機如何擷取螢幕截圖? 如何使用預約服務送修產品? 如何在Galaxy手機上透過Smart Switch傳輸和備份資料 如何使用 Smart Switch 將資料從 iPhone 或 iPad 傳輸至新的 Galaxy 裝置 Galaxy A55 5G SM-A5560 解決方案和技巧 用戶手冊與下載 產品規格 資源連結 聯絡我們 ...
Galaxy A55 5G 產品資訊 特點 媲美旗艦機的4nm製程晶片,運算速度更快,電池續航力更長。 最高配備12GB RAM ,支援microSD記憶卡高達1TB。 配合AI影像技術,採用大感光元件,即使在低光環境下,亦能拍攝高品質低雜訊相片。 金屬邊框物料, 外型更高雅。 首次支援12 bit錄影,影片色彩呈現大幅提升至上一代的64倍。
Unlock the Galaxy A55 5G Awesome Navy 256GB, designed with Galaxy AI for enhanced performance and daily productivity. Available now at Samsung KSA.