Samsung Galaxy A52 Price in Nepal is set at Rs 41,999 for the 8GB/128GB variant. It supports the 4G network only. And the phone is available in three colors, namely Black, Blue, and Violet. The Nepali price is cheaper as compared to that of both India and Global. It is available ...
You must be wondering how the Galaxy M20 is a masterstroke when almost every aspect of the phone has some terms and conditions that stop it from being truly great in any department. Well, it’s a masterstroke because Samsung has managed to price the phone unexpectedly well. I mean, the ...
In all, I'm pretty stunned at what you can get today for such a low price. Admittedly, for just $60 more, you can get the $170 Moto G Play, which I also like. The Moto is much, much faster — the new Snapdragon 460 positively flies compared to the somewhat decrepit Snapdragon ...