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Its price tag is arguably the most attractive feature of the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G. It's easily one of the best phones you can buy for under $200, something many have come to expect from Samsung. The price is also an improvement from its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy A13 5G, which ...
三星SAMSUNG Galaxy A13 4/5G智能手机 原生谷歌版 黑色 6+128GB 5G版图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
根據 IEC 60529 標準,Galaxy A55 5G 和 Galaxy A35 5G 的防護等級為 IPX4/IP67。在實驗室測試條件下,每分鐘使用 10公升的清水在裝置的各個角度噴灑 5分鐘 (IPx4),並沉入深達 1公尺清水中達 30分鐘 (IP67)。不建議在海灘或游泳池使用。裝置的防水及防塵功能非永久狀態,可能在正常使用下,隨著時間而逐漸降低。
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Does anybody know if an a14 can get the one UI 7 beta? If so, how?(I just found out it doesn't)View Post 4364Views 1Replies 6Likes GaryB8208-01-2024 08:16 AM They never have betas for the A Line of Phones in the U.S.View Post ...
看好中階智慧型手機市場,台灣三星宣布再引進Galaxy A13|A23 5G兩款生力軍機種,以5,000萬高畫素主鏡頭、最大6.6吋大螢幕、5,000mAh大電量等特色,陪伴消費者盡情玩樂、分享生活。 Galaxy A13 5G預計9月1日起於全台三星智慧館、三星商城及各大指定通路陸續上市,共有潮黑豆豆、霧藍豆豆、沁白豆豆三色,並推出4GB...
Everything you need to know about the Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A13 5G 📱. From specifications to Pros & Cons and Scores, discover the Review by DXOMARK