3- If you want to flash PIT file then check Re-Partition option. Otherwise leave it unchecked. 4- Click on PIT button and select: FORTUNA3G_EUR_OPEN.pit (Only if you checked Re-Partition option). 5- Click on BL button and select: BL_G530HXXU1ANI8_132828_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI...
1- RunOdin3.exeprogram as Administrator. 2- Make sure these options are checked:Auto Reboot,F.Reset Time. 3- If you want to flashPITfile then checkRe-Partitionoption. Otherwise leave it unchecked. 4- Click onPITbutton and select: logan2g.pit (Only if you checkedRe-Partitionoption). 5-...