在读取方面,SAMSUNG 870 EVO 的最大读取速度为560MB/s,而860 EVO的最大读取速度为550MB/s。也就是说,新款870 EVO的读取速度更快一些。在写入方面,新款870 EVO的最大写入速度比860 EVO 明显快,分别为530MB/s 和 520 MB/s。因此,如果使用场景需要大量数据的写入,870 EVO更适合。其次,我们对两款硬盘的写入...
Firmware update - Get notifications when new firmware is released, and easily install updates for enhanced performance, stability, and compatibility. Perf. benchmark (15) / Performance benchmark - Check your SSD's sequential and random read/write speeds, so you can maintain superb performance. ...
Firmware update Get notifications when new firmware is released, and easily install updates for enhanced performance, stability, and compatibility. Perf. benchmark Check your SSD's sequential and random read/write speeds, so you can maintain superb performance. ...
Firmware update Get notifications when new firmware is released, and easily install updates for enhanced performance, stability, and compatibility. Performance benchmark Check your SSD's sequential and random read/write speeds, so you can maintain superb performance. ...
MLC最后的辉煌——..一、前言SSD市场高端领域的产品以往有闪迪Extreme Pro系列、三星Pro系列等,他们有着同代甚至后两三代消费级产品难以比拟的高性能和高保修。随着闪迪Extreme Pro系列弃用MLC颗粒,三
Hi , i just finsihed installing samsung ssd 860 evo 500 gb on my laptop . i have latest samsung magi...View Post Multi control not working Posted by bubbleguppie7402-28-2023 07:41 AMinSamsung Apps and Services I have the tab s8 and the book2 pro 360 and my multicontrol rarely works...
三星(SAMSUNG) 860 EVO 250G SATA3 固态硬盘(MZ-76E250B) ¥459 去购买 产品包装与附件: 860 EVO采用彩印纸盒包装。 产品附件非常简单,只有一份说明书。 产品本体是标准的2.5寸SSD。 SSD的接口为SATA 3.0。 产品测试平台: 简单介绍一下测试平台。
三星860 EVO SATA III(1TB) 指导价:¥1299 市场价:暂无 共8张图片 查看详细参数>> 固态硬盘新品推荐 三星990 EVO Plus固态硬盘 NVMeM.2(1TB)¥591 宏碁Acer 掠夺者 GM7000HS(1TB)¥649 金泰克S300 512GB¥249 金泰克S300 1TB¥399 宏碁Acer 掠夺者 GM7000HS(2TB)¥999 致态长江存储·致态PE321(1.92...
今日该商品在京东商城三星存储京东自营旗舰店特价促销,优惠价格为339元,值得入手。 立即购买¥339 该促销信息由“小z机器人”智能筛选后审核发布。促销折扣可能随时变化,值友们购买请注意审核。 三星(SAMSUNG)250GB SSD固态硬盘 SATA3.0接口 860 EVO(MZ-76E250B) ...