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Go Mic makes sure your words have the impact you're looking for.Features / Specs Features Portable USB condenser microphone Mac and PC compatible, no drivers required Custom, compact design that clips to a laptop or sits on a desk Perfect for recording music, podcasting, field recording, ...
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Go Mic Video Portable USB Microphone with HD Webcam G-Track Pro Professional USB Microphone with Audio Interface USES Browse by Use We pride ourselves on providing you with the equipment you need to get up and running quickly, no matter what your application. We know that finding the right ...
Go Mic Mobile® Receiver Specifications Max. Analog Audio Output Level +6 dBu, =4.4 Vpp, =70 mW per side into 32Ω USB Audio Sample Rate 48 kHz USB Audio Support Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Linux Battery Life 7– 13 hours depending on use Power Internal rechargeable lithium-ion ba...
Go Mic Mobile® For anyone creating video content, whether they are a mobile filmmaker, journalist, vlogger, streamer, or videographer, audio is a critical aspect of the final product. The Go Mic Mobile® eliminates the need for bulky adapters and connects directly to smartphones, instantly...
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Go Mic是一个适合笔记本使用的便宜的聊天话筒,USB接口,即插即用。 Go Mic 20Hz-18kHz响应,可选择心型或全指向两种指向方式。简约设计,可以折叠起来放进你的笔记本包里。 Go Mic已经上市,价格49美元。文章出处 http://www.samsontech.com/ 转载新闻请注明出自 Midifan.com ...