· Type 3730-4, work to the travel or opening angle of the control valve and pro- direct attachment to Type duces the corresponding output signal pressure. 3277 Pneumatic Actuator The Type 3730-4 Positioner communicates using PROFIBUS-PA specification according to IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 to ex...
附件一:SAMSON 气动控制阀规格一览表及供货清单 SAMSON PNEUMATIC CONTROL VALVE SPECIFICATION LIST AND THE SUPPLY CHECKLIST 制造商:SAMSON AG e m / 序号 a g N O . / 设计位号 t y / 数量 y p e / 型号 N / 口径 N u n i t s t a n d a r d / 压力单位 N /C l a...
Type 3510-1(left)andType 3510-7(right)PneumaticControlValves Type 3510Micro-fowValve Incombinationwithanactuator, e.g.aSAMSONType 3271orType 3277PneumaticActuator DINversion 2EB8091EN Noteonthesemountingandoperatinginstructions Thesemountingandoperatinginstructionsassistyouinmountingandoperatingthedevice ...
Make sure in versions with a handwheel that the plug stem can move freely when the valve is being positioned by the pneumatic actuator by moving the handwheel into a neutral position. 2.1 Reversing the operating direction(fail-safe action)The operating direction, i e fai l-safe action,of pneu...
dependingonthenominalsignal GManualoverrideaspushbuttonorpushbuttonswitch (optional) GAirsupply1.4to6bar GElectricalconnectionusingacableglandM20 1.5to terminalsorusingaplug-typeconnector GCablebreakprotectiondevice(accessory) Boostervalve GDiaphragmwithreturnspringorpiston,singleordouble actuated G3/2,5/2,5/...
D+P flow control valve PDV-01SCHUNK301035 MMSK 22-S-NPN接近开关GEA HX-L8-02I130822049010SIEMENS B-MPI~6FX2007-1AC03I130829050718G0110意大利GEFRAN传感器F024190TCM-CC-1-J-0-A-0-T-G S-N-08B-2-045 45 188 182,07 20 3857BENDER 接地故障监视器 RCMA42 3D2HEIDENHAIN海德汉IBV606 ID:331918-...