The screening of Samson and Delilah at the Brooklyn Academy of Music screening room was a great success. Last week, the film was part of the National Geographic Society’s “All Roads” festival. This Friday night, the film opens commercially in New York City at the Village East Cinema. Bu...
SamsonwastemptedbyDelilahwiththelossofhisfreedomandbrightness. Samsonwasaskedtogiveaperformancetoshowhistremendousstrengthsoheseizedthechanceandburiedhimselftogetherwithhisenemies. Birth: Greatstrengthfrom God SamsonischosenbyGodtodestroythePhilistines,whohaveoccupiedthelandofCanaan.Heisgiventhegreateststrength,hidden...
Cultural influence As an important biblical character, Samson has been referenced in popular culture and depicted in a vast array of films, artwork and popular literature. Samson parades of a large Samson-like figure, which are made of wood or aluminum, are held annually in different villages. ...
Max Liebermann’s Impressionist masterpiece, ‘Samson and Delilah,’ deftly reimagines the timeless biblical narrative, presenting an intriguing and nuanced portrayal of Delilah that challenges conventional perceptions. In this thought-provoking artwork, Delilah emerges as a more heroi...